Tuesday 30 December 2014

Tuesday 30th. December

Result of today's 3 CLUBS and a PUTTER Stableford (27 players):

1st.  - Gerry Collier 38 pts.
2nd. - Dave Butler 36 pts. (CB)
3rd. - Martin Buckingham 36 pts.
4th. - Paddy Marcks 35 pts. (CB)

Sunday 28 December 2014

Tuesday 30th. December


Tuesday's Roll Up will be an Individual Stableford competition with 3 CLUBS and a PUTTER.

So, if you want to try out that new Christmas present, it has to be one of your 3 clubs or your putter.
You are not allowed to carry any more clubs. Enjoy a light bag and easy club selection!

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Tuesday 23rd. December 2014

Result of today's Individual Stableford:

Division 1
                Malcolm Saunders - 41 pts.
                David Williams -     34 pts.

Division 2
                G. Collier -     37 pts.
                B. Rollerson - 36 pts.

Division 3
                Bob Harvey - 37 pts.
                Derek Tidy -  35 pts.

Nearest the Pin (15th. hole): - Gerry Collier.
For those who missed the N.P. marker today, I will endeavour to have it painted in a luminous colour and have a flashing light attached, before it's next outing on 6th. January!!!

January's programme is now posted on the Seniors Notice Board.

Sunday 21 December 2014

Sunday 21st. December

The next two weeks (as the days grow longer):

Tues.  23rd. Dec. 2014 - Roll Up, Individual Stableford

Thurs. 25th. Dec. 2014 - Witney Lakes Resort closed

Tues.  30th. Dec. 2014 - Roll Up. 3 Clubs and a Putter, with a "New Year" Hot Chocolate on the       Captain for those who survive the round.

Thurs. 1st. Jan. 2015 -   The golf course will be accessible but all other facilities, including the Sports Bar, will be shut. There is nothing organised for the Seniors BUT everybody is invited to take part in Terry Edmond's Birthday Bash, an Individual Stableford competition. You can sign up for this at the club or simply roll up. First tee time 09.30.

Tues. 6th. Jan. 2015  -   Roll Up Individual Stableford.


Thursday 18 December 2014

Thursday 18th. December

Result of today's Winter Stableford Round 2:

Division 1
                Robin Day -     31 pts.
                Andy Wright - 30 pts.

Division 2
                Cliff Smith - 36 pts.
                John Watt -   32 pts. (C.B.)

Division 3
                Martin Buckingham - 33pts.
                John Robinson -         24 pts.

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Wednesday 17th. December

From the Christmas Bash meal:

November / December's Notorious Bandit is captured:

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Tuesday 16th. December

Result of today's Christmas Bash Texas Scramble:

1st.  Glyn Rees, Graham Rutson, Dinger Long and Bob Kirkwood

2nd. Kevin Timms, Martin Buckingham, Gerry Collier and Richard Gent

3rd. Cliff Smith, Richard Woodward, Roger Laban and Eric Wearing

The overall winner was Witney Lakes Seniors Section.
Thank you to everybody who took part today, both on the course and in the Sports Bar.

Monday 15 December 2014

Tuesday 16th. December

Christmas Bash - Texas Scramble Tues. 16th. December

We have 48 players signed up and no spare tee times! The treasurer is going grey.

There will be a sheet with the key rules in the Sports Bar, these are -

  • A minimum of 4 tee shots per player must be used
  • "Through the green", mark the selected ball with a tee peg (within 6 in. and not nearer the hole)
  • On the green, mark the selected "best ball" with a ball marker, 1 putter head to the side
  • If the selected ball is in the rough or a hazard!!! then the other players must drop, not place their ball
  • ONLY ONE PERSON has to hole out for the team to complete the hole. (Try to keep your team moving)
  • The teams score for the hole will be the number of shots taken by the first player to hole out
I hope everybody has an enjoyable day on the course and in the Sports Bar afterwards.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Thursday 11th. December 2014

Result of today's Bowmaker team game (24 players + 2 U-Boat matches)

1st.   Mike Smith, Geoff Mills, Bob Harvey -             75 pts.
2nd. John Watt, Roy Williams, Richard Woodward - 73 pts.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Tuesday 16th. December

The Christmas Bash - 4 Ball Texas Scramble (the rules of Texas Scramble can be found in the 'Competition Rules' section of our website).

Please see the tee times section for your team and your start time (we have a two tee start).The name in bold type I have designated as the team captain, who will be responsible for:

  • keeping the group moving
  • completing the groups score card
  • completing the groups quiz answer sheet
  • twisting the groups arms for contributions to Annie's present and staff tip
I will provide score cards with team members names and handicaps and the strokes received by the team. (The team total handicaps range from 83 to 88)
There will be prizes (of the liquid type) for the first 3 teams and N.P. prizes at the 6th. and 12th. holes.

I anticipate everyone being back in the Sports Bar shortly after 1.00pm with food being available on a rolling basis and a quiz being completed on a team basis.

Presentation of prizes for events since the start of November and then a presentation to Annie, will follow the quiz results and conclude the day.

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Thursday 11th. December

Thursday's Roll Up will be a Bowmaker Mark1 Stableford Team Game played off full handicap.

In teams of 3: one player's score counts on holes 1 to 6; two players scores count on holes 7 to 12, and all three players scores count on holes 13 to 18.

THE SCORECARD must show the gross score and stableford points for each player, the total number of points for the hole and the final total for 18 holes.

Tuesday 9th. December

REVISED RESULT (with my apologies) of today's December Medal

Division 1
                Bert Hale        76 (C. B.)
                Mike Steward 76 (C.B.)

Division 2
               Gerry Collier 73
               Dinger Long  75 (C. B.)

Division 3
               Richard Woodward  73 (C.B.)
               Martin Buckingham 73

December Medal winner: Gerry Collier (C.B.)

Thursday 4 December 2014

Christmas Bash - Tues. 16th. December

If you haven't already signed up for the Christmas Bash please make sure that you do so by the end of play, next Tuesday 9th. December. I have to confirm meal numbers (it's a 'free' meal) and organise teams.

Thursday 4th. December

Result of today's Roll Up (20 players)

Mike Steward -    38 pts. (C.B.)
Alan Jones -         38 pts.
Graham Rutson - 36 pts.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Thursday 4th. December

U-BOAT Round 1 and ROLL UP

There are now only 4 U-Boat matches which can played on Thursday.
I have not been able to secure a two tee start but some members have helpfully booked 'extra early' tee times and they will still be part of the roll up. Following the U-Boat matches, which tee off from 08.04 until 08.34 the first available tee time for the roll up is 08.44.

Tuesday 2nd. December

The result of today's Individual Stableford:

Division 1
                Alex Tyrell - 38 pts.
                Robin Day -  36 pts.

Division 2
               Cliff Smith -  37 pts.
               Pat Smith -    35 pts. (CB)

Division 3
               Graham Rutson - 37 pts.
               John Robinson -  36 pts. (CB)

Monday 1 December 2014

Tuesday 2nd. December


Please put a big smile on Brian's face by paying your monthly subs to him in the Sports Bar tomorrow (Tues. 2nd.Dec.)


Markers please, please complete score cards correctly as per the Rules of Golf. If you enter the gross score, in the relevant column, for each player at each hole and sign the card, you can't go wrong!!
An exception in Stableford is that you do not need to enter a score if the net score will be zero.
You don't have to, but in Stableford, apart from 'blobs,' please enter the points scored as well (as you usually do).
I will be asking the committee to review the way we collect and check scorecards.