Witney Lakes Golf Club (Seniors’ Section)
Rules of the Section
1. Title
1.1 The title of the Section shall be Witney Lakes Golf Club (Seniors’ Section) herein after referred to as “the Section”.
2. Constitution
2.1 The Section is a part of Witney Lakes Golf Club (herein after referred to as “the Club”) and is subject to the Rules of the Club. The Section is administered by its own Seniors Committee as provided for in Clause 10.2 of the Club Rules.
2.2 The Section Rules here defined are supplementary to the Club Rules and are specific to the Seniors’ Section only.
3. Objects
3.1 The objects of the Section are to organise the playing of golf for Members of the Club who are aged 55 and above by encouraging their participation in general play and competitions and to provide social and other facilities as may be determined from time to time.
4. Membership
4.1 Membership of the Section shall be open to Members of the Club who are aged 55 or over who have a handicap certificate. Prospective members of the Section without a handicap certificate will be accepted and will be assisted in obtaining one, but will not be eligible to fully participate in the Section’s events until an official handicap has been agreed.
4.2 Prospective members must make contact with the Seniors’ Captain, or his representative for the day, before participating in any Seniors’ Section event. There is no joining fee but a small charge may be made to play in any organised Seniors’ Section event.
4.3 Each Section member shall agree to the Seniors’ Committee having access to their postal address, email address and telephone details for organisational purposes as provided in Clause 4.3 of the Club Rules.
4.4 All Seniors, as defined in Rule 3.1, will be eligible to play in the Seniors’ Section Championship only if in the previous twelve months they have competed in three qualifying Seniors’ Section games or have won a Seniors’ Section Trophy in the same period.
5. Section Committee
5.1 The Section’s year shall be from 1st November to 31st October the following year.
5.2 The Section Committee shall consist of the Chairman, Seniors’ Captain, Vice-Captain, Secretary, Treasurer, Competitions Secretary, Fixtures secretary, Handicap secretary and two other senior members. The Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Section and shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting.
5.3 Candidates for election to the Committee shall be members of the Section, including retiring Committee members, who being willing to serve shall be nominated and seconded by members of the Section. If there is more than one nomination for any position, election shall be by ballot.
5.4 The Seniors Captain may serve for two continuous years, having been elected each time. The Vice-captain shall take the place of the retiring Captain at the AGM at which he stands down.
5.5 If a vacancy occurs in the elected Committee during the year the Committee may, by a majority vote, co-opt another member of the Section to fill that vacancy for the remainder of the year.
5.6 The Section Committee shall manage the Section’s affairs and its funds in furtherance of the declared objects of the Section and in accord with the Club and Section Rules. Any bank account shall be in the name of ‘Seniors’ Section Witney Lakes Golf Club’ and all cheques drawn shall be signed by two of the following authorised Committee Members : Captain, Vice-Captain and Treasurer.
5.7 The Section Committee shall meet every two months or more frequently if necessary. At meetings of the Section Committee duly convened, four members of the Committee shall form a quorum, one of whom shall be the Chairman or the Seniors’ Captain. 5.8 The Section Committee may invite, from time to time, any member or non-member of the Section to attend its meetings for any specific purpose. Such person shall not be entitled to vote at the meeting.
6. General Meetings.
6.1 An Annual General Meeting shall be held in each year in October on a day to be appointed by the Chairman. Notice of the date and time and of the agenda shall be displayed on the Seniors’ Notice Board 28 days before such meeting.
6.2 The Agenda of the Annual General Meeting shall include the following items:
(i) Minutes of the previous AGM
(ii) Chairman’s report
(iii) Captain’s report
(iv) Vice-Captain’s report
(v) Treasurer’s report and adoption of a scrutineer
(vi) Competition Secretary’s report
(vii) Fixtures Secretary’s report
(viii) Handicap Secretary’s report
(ix) Election of Seniors’ Committee
(x) Any other business
6.3 A Special General Meeting may be convened by the Section Committee or if requested to do so in writing by ten Members specifying the subject for discussion. Notice of the date and time and the business for discussion at a Special General Meeting shall be displayed on the Seniors’ Notice Board 14 days before such meeting. Only one item of business shall be discussed at a Special General Meeting.
6.4 At General Meetings the Chairman shall preside or in his absence the Captain.
6.5 At any General Meeting 20 Members shall constitute a quorum.
7. Conduct of Members
7.1 By implication every Club Member adheres to the Club Rules and if joining the Section shall agree additionally to comply with the Section Rules.
7.2 Any Member wishing to complain of any matter arising from the activities of the Section or of any Member thereof shall do so in writing to the Secretary. A Committee Meeting shall be convened to consider the complaint within seven days of its receipt. At a meeting concerning action by a Member all parties related to the complaint shall attend such a meeting unless the Committee should decide otherwise.
7.3 The decision of the Committee about any complaint may be the subject of an appeal to the General Committee of the Club.
8. Changes to the Section Rules
8.1 The Section Rules may be changed only at a General Meeting of Section Members.
8.2 Details of any proposal to change the Section Rules shall be given to the Section Secretary in writing (a) 28 days before an Annual General Meeting or (b) 14 days before a Special General Meeting called for the purpose together with the names of the proposer and seconder of the motion.
8.3 Any motion for a change to the Section Rules shall be effective only if carried by at least a majority of two to one of those Section Members present and voting.
9. Dissolution of Section
9.1 If upon the dissolution of the Seniors’ Section there remains, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any money whatsoever in the Section’s name it shall not be paid to or distributed amongst Senior Members but shall be given to a UK registered charity.
Version 4, as amended at AGM 22nd October 2014.
Alan Lake pp. The Section Secretary
12th November 2014.
History -
v4. Nov 2014 - Rule 6.1 - Month of AGM changed from November to October.
v3. Nov 2012 - Rule 5.2 - Post of Competition Secretary added to list of officers.