Friday 29 May 2015

Notice Board

Please take note that the Seniors Notice Board is now in its' permanent position in the Sports Bar. There is one new 'sign up' sheet on it as of today.

Thursday 28 May 2015

Thursday 28th. May 2015

Result of today's Pairs, Better Ball Stableford competition

1st.  - Cliff Smith and Andy Wright -             48 pts.
2nd. - Martin Buckingham and Alex Tyrell - 46 pts.
3rd . - Mike Smith and Bob Harvey -             45 pts.

Next Week:

  •  Vice Captain, Barry will be in charge next week and Treasurer Brian will be expecting you to give him your monthly subs.
  • Tuesday 2nd. June - Teasing STROKEPLAY (white, yellow, red).
  • Thursday 4th. June - Home match v Hadden Hill (10.30 am. first tee, jacket and tie for meal)                                       Roll Up - Individual Stableford
At today's prize giving Alex Tyrell was presented with the May Medal:


Alex was also a very strong contender for "Bandit of the Month" but after careful consideration this much coveted accolade goes to Roger Laban. Roger's low profile approach to winning this award extended to him being absent from the prize giving. I am sure the other members will be on the lookout to turn him in for photographing at the earliest opportunity.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Tuesday 26th. May 2015

Result of today's Steve Putt Trophy:

Division 1
                Mike Smith -    73
                Mike Steward - 74

Division 2
               Richard Gent - 72
               Roger Laban - 75

Division 3
                Kevin Timms -           71
                Martin Buckingham - 75

Congratulations to Kevin, the Steve Putt Trophy winner.

This Thursday 28th. is Prize Day and the roll up will be the Pairs, Better Ball Stableford usually played on this occasion.

Friday 22 May 2015

Summer KO 1st Round Closing Date

Today, Friday 22nd May, is the final day for playing your first round matches.

As of yesterday there were four matches with no result...

Cliff Smith v Dinger Long
Martin Buckingham v Glynn Rees
Brian Woodburn v Andy Wright
Brian Rollerson v John Watt

If you are not playing your match and intend to decide the result on the spin of a coin, or any other method, we still need to know who is going through to the next round before the draw sheet is removed and updated over the weekend.

Failure to so will result in the elimination of both players, in accordance with the competition rules.

You can let me have the names by email to

Summer Stableford Top 10, after 2 rounds

Mr Geoff Mills36 36 = 72
Mr Patrick Marcks39 29 = 68
Mr Mike Dawson36 29 = 65
Mr Alex Tyrell34 30 = 64
Mr John Watt27 33 = 60
Mr Barry Lund30 28 = 58
Mr John Robinson24 33 = 57
Mr Dave Stone27 29 = 56
Mr Bob Harvey28 28 = 56
Mr Brian Woodburn26 29 = 55

Thursday 21 May 2015

Results from the Bowmaker Team Game played today (21st May)

FIRST: D.Keen, G.Collier, B.Holmes [80]CB
SECOND: A.Tyrell, M.Smith, G.Mills [80]

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Results From The Second Round Of The Summer Stableford Played Today (19th May)

Division 1
First: Geoff Mills [36]
Second: Alex Tyrell [30]

Division 2
First: John Watt [33]
Second: Andy Wright [32]

Division 3
First: John Robinson [33]
Second: Ron Deacon [31]

Saturday 16 May 2015

The Coming Week

As Barry has already, so nicely pointed out, he will be in charge next week:

Tuesday 19th.  Summer Stableford - Round 2 of 6, minus a 'right royal' party going to Windsor.

Thurs. 21st.  Bowmaker Team Game Mark 3 - (2 score on holes 1-6, 3 score on 7-12, 1 scores on 13-18)

The sign up sheets for next months Monthly Medal and the Invotec Trophy are now on the changing room notice board.

The team for the next match, at home to Haddon Hill, on Thurs. 4th. June is now published on the website. If you have previously made yourself available for this fixture please check the list.

Friday 15 May 2015

The amended results for the game on the 5th May can be found under older posts.

There was no change to the first and second places in both Division 1 and Division 3. However, in Division 2, Roger Laban came first, Colin Baker dropped to second place and Dougie Keen was nudged out of the prizes. Hard luck Doug, nice one Roger.

... and for all you bandits reading this ... next week the VC is in charge. Brian has given me a list of 16 names of seniors who owe monthly subs. Scarface and Nosher will be pleased to see you!!!

Summer Singles Matchplay Competition

Please note that the committees position is that there will not be an extension (except in "exceptional cases",as stated in the competition rules) to the deadline dates stated on the draw sheet.
If you haven't already done so please endeavour to play preliminary round matches by the deadline of 22nd. May, that is if both players are in the country at the same time and so avoid a "spin of the coin" decision as to who goes through.

Thursday 14 May 2015

Thursday 14th. May 2015

Results of today's events:

Match v Carswell - a heavy defeat 5-1 (an exact reversal of the home result earlier this season). This time the 'whitewash' preventers were James Barnatt and Richard Gent.

Individual Stableford Roll Up (10 players only):
1st. -  Dougie Keen  36 pts.
2nd. - Ron Deacon   31 pts. (CB)
3rd. - Geoff Mills     31pts.

Well done to all those spirited souls who ignored the forecast, braved the elements and got thoroughly soaked.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Tuesday 12th. May 2015

Result of today's Individual Teasing Stableford:

Division 1
                Geoff Mills - 39 pts.
                Robin Day -  34 pts.

Division 2
               Ron Feasey -    35 pts. (CB)
               Richard Gent - 35 pts.

Division 3
                Mike  Dawson - 33pts.
                Kevin Timms -   31 pts.

N.B. The result of the roll up on Tues. 5th. May was incorrectly calculated.
The wrong division boundaries were used. With apologies to the people adversely affected but the result will be recalculated when Vice Captain Barry returns and the score cards from the day are available.

N.B. The proposed inter-section match, scheduled for Bank Holiday Monday 25th. May has been postponed. It is hoped that another date will be found for this.

Monday 11 May 2015

Away Match v Carswell - Thurs. 14th. May

Please note that the first tee time for the above match is 09.30 not 10.30 as first published. Coffee will be available on arrival and the dress code for the meal is "smart casual".

Away match v The Wychwood

The result of our inaugural match against The Wychwood Seniors was an emphatic victory for the home team, 5-1. We were saved from a whitewash by the pairing of John Alexander and Graham Rutson.
Result apart, it was a very enjoyable occasion and we look forward to welcoming The Wychwood at Witney Lakes next year. Once again, thank you to everybody who took part.

The Coming Week

Monday 11th. - Away match v The Wychwood

Tuesday 12th. - Roll Up, Individual Teasing Stableford

Thursday 14th. - Away match v Carswell
                           Roll Up, Individual Stableford

Friday 8 May 2015

Monday 11th. May - away match v The Wychwood

Confirming that the first tee time is 09.30 and that the dress code for the carvery meal is 'jacket and tie'.

Thursday 7 May 2015

Thurs. 7th. May

Result of today's May Medal;

Division 1
               Alex Tyrell - 70
               Jim Postles - 73

Division 2
               Gerry Collier - 74
               Roger Laban - 75

Division 3
               Richard Woodward - 76
               Dave Stone -              77

Congratulations to Alex Tyrell, this months medal winner.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Match Result

Result of today's home fixture v Radley Seniors was a win for Witney Lakes 4 1/2 to 1 1/2. Well done to all those who 'breezed' around the course in such fine style.

Results from the roll-up individual Stableford held today (5th May)

Division 1: scratch- 19
First: Dave Westman [37]
Second: Mike Smith [33]

Division 2: 20-22
First:Roger Laban [29]
Second: Colin Baker [28]

Division 3: 23-28
First: Derek Tidy [26]
Second: Ron Deacon [25 CB]

Print in RED shows the corrections for the competition - just can't get the staff these days!

Match v Carswell - Thurs. 14th. May

The team for the away match v Carswell is now published on the 'Matches' section of the website.
If you have been selected for this fixture please check that you are still available.and inform the captain asap if you are not.

Saturday 2 May 2015

The Coming Week

Tues. 5th. May ;- for those not playing in the match v Radley, the roll up will be an Individual Stableford competition. As on all match days, the final tee time will be 09.15! Vice Captain Barry will be running the event.
Thurs. 7th. May:- the May Medal. Tee times have been published.

Friday 1 May 2015

Match v The Wychwood

The team for the above match can now be found on the 'Matches' section of the website. Please note the first tee time of 09.30.