Friday, 31 July 2015

The Coming Week

Tues. 4th. August.

A - Away match v Bicester. The team is posted on the 'Matches' section of the website. The first tee         time is 10.00 with a meal following the match for which the dress code is 'smart casual'.
B - Roll Up - Individual Stableford. Vice Captain Barry is in charge.

Thur. 6th. August.

The August Medal. The tee times are now published on the 'Tee Times' page.

N.B. The tee times for the Charity Open are found by clicking the link on the News & Results 'home page' of our website.

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Thur. 30th. July 2015

Result of today's match at Radley

For the 5th. time this year we lost a match by 2 1/2 to 3 1/2!!! This can't go on.

However, another very enjoyable occasion on a great day for golf. Thank you to everybody who took part, even if they did arrive 5 min. before tee off!

Results for the roll-up Individual Stableford played today (30th July)

Division 1.
First: Dave Williams [37]
Second: Mike Smith [29] CB

Division 2.
First: John Watt [36]
Second: Alan Lake [33] CB

Division 3.
First: Ron Deacon [40]
Second: Dave Stone [36]

Congratulation to Alan Jones with a HOLE-IN-ONE on the 15th - nice 5 pointer Alan.

Brian R has asked me to remind you all that monthly subs are due from next Tuesday 4th August.

Once again a big thank you to all the guys who have been contributing raffle prizes for the open golf charity match on the 11th August. Remember all proceeds go to AIR AMBULANCE. Please keep the prizes coming I still need more golf equipment, bottles of booze, and anything else you think suitable for prizes.

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Away Match v Bicester - Tues. 4th. August 2015

The team for the above match is now posted on the 'Matches' section of the website.
If you have previously made yourself available for this fixture please check the list.
There are no named reserves at this stage!!

Tues. 28th. July 2015

Result of today's Pairs Better Ball Stableford:

1st. -  Barry Lund and John Watt -             49 pts.
2nd. - Barry Holmes and John Robinson - 45 pts.
3rd. -  Roger Laban and Alan Lake -         44 pts.

Prize Giving:

Terry Edmunds received 'The Claret Jug' for the lowest gross score in our Seniors Section Championship:

Bandit of the Month

Once again our Bandit of the Month (Brian Rollerson), went into hiding. However our bandit from June has been exposed:

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Witney Lakes Seniors Charity Open

Just to the right of this post you can't help noticing (in red) that the tee times for our Charity Open are now published. Click on the link to access them. Thank you to Alan for organising this.
We have 84 players entered of which 48 are guests.
Please note your tee time and inform any guests that you entered.

On the day, registration will be open from 07.30 and coffee and biscuits will be available.
The two course buffet meal will be served on a rolling basis after your round and we hope to be able to announce the results by 15.30 pm. I hope you will be able to stay for the presentations.

Saturday, 25 July 2015

The Coming Week

Tues. 28th. July 2015

Roll Up  -  Prize Day 4 Ball Better Ball followed by Prizegiving.

Thurs. 30th. July 2015

Match away to Radley. 08.30 for a 09.00 first tee. There will be a two tee start so don't be late!
Dress code is 'smart casual'.
Roll Up - Individual Stableford

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Thur. 23rd. July 2015

Result of today's Summer Stableford - Round 4

Division 1
               Alex Tyrell -  37 pts.
               Geoff Mills - 34 pts. (CB)

Division 2
               Kevin Timms - 37 pts.
               Andy Wright -  35 pts. (CB)

Division 3
               Barry Lund -              36 pts. (CB)
               Richard Woodward - 36 pts.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

The Next Match

The team for the coming match at Radley on Thur. 30th. July is now published on the web.
So far 37 different members of the Seniors Section have played in matches this season. However I am conscious that I may be missing members who would like to play in our remaining 6 matches. Please let me know if this applies to you.

Result of the Match at Drayton Park

Drayton Park were the victors by 5 games to 1.
We were saved from a whitewash by our last pair of Frank Hay and Kevin Timms who came in strongly to salvage some honour.
Thank you to everybody who took part in another highly enjoyable fixture.
Our next match is away to Radley on Thursday 30th. July.

Results from the Individual Stableford played today (21st July).

Division 1: scratch .. 19
FIRST: Terry Edmonds 41
SECOND: Dave Westman 35 CB

Division 2: 20 .. 22
FIRST: Brian Rollerson 36
SECOND: Brian Woodburn 35 CB

Note - congratulations to Brian Woodburn for getting an EAGLE on the 11th. Well done!!

Division 3: 23 .. 28
FIRST: Martin Buckingham 41 CB
SECOND: Roy Williams 41

Monday, 20 July 2015

Raffle update - Charity Open 11th August

Dear Seniors,

Many thanks to those golfers who have donated prizes for the Charity Open Raffle. However, at the moment we do not have nearly enough prizes. If you haven't donated a prize then I appeal to you to rummage through your golf paraphernalia for any new item that you don't use, or through your booze cabinet for that bottle that never got opened. Please bring your donations to me this week on either Tuesday at the roll-up, or Thursday at the Summer Stableford.

Remember all the proceeds of the raffle go towards the Captain's charity - AIR AMBULANCE.

Many thanks

Barry the VC

Friday, 17 July 2015

Witney Lakes Senior's Charity Open

I am hoping for at least 4 more pairs to enter so as to give a good sized field. If you haven't already done so, please give your entry forms and fee, to the captain by Thursday 23rd. July.
Alternatively, if you are not entering, you may be able to offer assistance with.

  • Starting (08.30 until 10.30)
  • Spotting.
  • Running the putting competition. (12.30 until 15.00 approx.)
  • Collecting score cards (12.30 until 14.30 approx.)
Please let the captain know if you are able to help with our 'big event'.

The Coming Week

Tues. 21st. July:

  • For those playing in the match at Drayton Park, the first tee time is 10.00 and the dress code is 'jacket and tie'.
  • For those not playing in the match, the roll up will be an Individual Stableford competition. Vice Captain Barry will be i/c on the day.
Thur. 23rd July:

  • Summer Stableford - Round 4. If you have not 'signed up' for this competition by now and wish to play, please contact the captain directly.
  • This is the 'official' closing date for entries to our Senior's Charity Open. 

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Thursday 16th. July 2015 - Results

Result of today's Individual Stableford:

Division 1
               Roger Laban -      41 pts.
               John Alexander - 36 pts.

Division 2
               Andy Wright - 39 pts.
               Dinger Long -  38 pts.

Division 3
               Roy Williams - 32 pts.
               Ron Deacon -   31 pts.

Result of today's match at Kirtlington ;

A very honourable 'away draw' 3-3.
2 games were won, two were halved and two were lost.
Well done to everybody who took part in this thoroughly enjoyable match.

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Match and Sign Up

The team list for the away match v Drayton Park (Tues. 21st. July) is now published on the 'Matches' section of the website. If you made yourself available for this match please check the list.

The sign up sheet for the Summer Stableford Round 4 (Thur. 23rd. July) has very few names on it at present. Please sign up a.s.a.p.

Tuesday 14th. July 2015

Result of today's 'Barber's Pole' competition:

Division 1
                Alex Tyrell -     34 pts.
                Mike Steward - 33 pts. (CB)

Division 2
                Colin Baker -   39 pts.
                Eric Wearing - 38 pts.

Division 3
                Mike Dawson -    38 pts.
                Graham Rutson - 36 pts.

Sunday, 12 July 2015

The Raffle - Seniors Charity Open Tuesday 11th August 2015

Just a REMINDER from my earlier post last week. If you have any full bottles of booze, unused golf gear, etc that you would like to donate to the Charity Open raffle, then please let me have your goodies on Tuesday 14th July at the roll-up. I am away in the match on Thursday so please don't bring the items then.

Many thanks - all in the aid of AIR AMBULANCE.


Saturday, 11 July 2015

The Coming Week

Tuesday 14th. July

Roll Up - Barbers Pole Competition. This is the stableford competition introduced by Alan Lake last year. Tees are alternatively red then white and par figures and stroke indexes have been adjusted accordingly. All handicaps are reduced by 3. A Barbers Pole scorecard will be provided and will need to be used.

Thursday 16th. July

Roll Up - Individual Stableford Competition and
Match - Away to Kirtlington. Please see the Matches section of the website for the team sheet. The first tee time is 10.00 and a multiple tee start is being used, so don't be late! Dress code is smart casual.

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Thursday 9th. July 2015

Following today's second round the results of the Seniors Section Championship are:

THE CLARET JUG (lowest gross score): Terry Edmunds - 163

THE BENNETT CUP (lowest net score):  Brian Rollerson - 140

THE BILL GRAVES TROPHY (lowest net score by a player aged 70 or over):  Brian Rollerson - 140

Many congratulations to the trophy winners.

The divisional results for today's round are as follows:

Division 1
                Terry Edmunds - 70
                Mike Smith -       73 (CB)

Division 2
                Frank Hay -     71
                Eric Wearing - 72

Division 3
                Brian Rollerson - 74
                Pat Hiles -            75 (CB)

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Championship Trophies

There will be 3 trophies to award after Thursday's second round of our Championship:

The Claret Jug (presented to the section by Rae Comley) will be won by the player with the lowest overall gross score.

The Bennett Cup will be won by the player with the lowest overall net score.

The Bill Graves Trophy will be won for the lowest overall net score by a member aged 70 or over.

Good luck to everybody in contention

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Tuesday 7th. July 2015

The Section Championship is a gross score competition. The leading scores after round 1(of people who are playing on Thursday) are:
Terry Edmunds - 85
Mike Smith -       86
John Alexander - 89
Brian Rollerson - 90
Alex Tyrell -        91
Dave Westman -  91
James Barnatt -    92
Andy Wright -     93
Doug Keen -        95

In the usual way there are also prizes based on the net scores for today's round for each division.

Division 1
                Mike Smith -   72 (CB)
                Roger Laban - 72

Division 2
               Andy Wright - 73
               Gerry Collier - 74

Division 3
               Brian Rollerson - 66
               Bob Harvey -       72

There was more than the usual 'good natured' grumbling about slow play today!! A Championship, strokeplay game is inevitably going to be slower than other forms of play. However, we all need to be aware of the progress of other groups on the course. We need to put into practice the old maxims of:

  • play a provisional if you may not find your ball
  • don't all go looking for one ball, particularly if you should be playing yours
  • be ready to play as soon as it's your turn
  • if your group has fallen a clear hole behind and the group following you are waiting, then let them through
Let's see if we can't have a smother passage for more groups on Thursday.

The tee times for Thursday are now published on the Tee Times section of the website.

The team for next Thursday's match away at Kirtlington is now published on the Matches section of the website.

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Result of today's match at Stowe

It shouldn't be allowed! For the 4th. time this season we were beaten 3 1/2 to 2 1/2 with 3 of the 6 matches being halved. On the positive side, another thoroughly enjoyable day at this delightful venue with excellent hosts. Thank you to all the Witney players who took part.

Results from today's (2nd July) Individual Stableford

Division 1. scratch..19

First: Roger Laban [44]
Second: Dave Williams [43]

Division 2. 20..22

First: Colin Baker [37]CB on last 6 holes
Second: Bill Ford [37]

Division 3: 23..28

First: Barry Lund [37] CB
Second: Roy Williams [37]

You had to be a cool dude today to win. Clearly playing to par was not enough. As for the VC he should have got up earlier!