Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Tough Day at the Lakes


The first Roll Up of the new era and it was blistering hot. I think the scores speak for themselves. Mark my playing partner and myself gave each other a sly look on the 10th Tee and agreed we had had enough.

By the time I was supposed to finish I had gotten home had a sandwich and a shower and fallen asleep. Great Decision.

I wil change the next roll up to stableford if I can a bit more forgiving.

Dont forget from tomorrow you can sign up for the Inagural Bill Woodbridge Memorial Trophy

Sunday, 9 August 2020

 Dear Golfers

We are trying to get going again in something like the style we had before Lock Down but its not going to be the same and most of us wouldn't feel safe if it was.

We tried a couiple of competitions in July and they seemed to go OK, we have more in August and lets hope they go as well. In addition we have tried to start the Roll Up again for weeks where there are no competitions. 

We cant block out Tee times at the moment and I'm not sure we will ever be able to do again but what we can do is get in a day early before any members or visitors can book Tee times and tie up the slots we want.

So for the next Tuesday (18th not 11th) we can book tomorrow before anyone else. If you book a Tee time from 8 till 10 anyone else who wants to join in the comp can see the slots available and who is playing them and book up to join them. We think thats the way forward and means you can play with different people who you may not have seen otherwise.

From the IG app you can sign yourself and any other members in but as far as I know you cant pay on their behalf. This is not an issue for August as these roll ups are free but it will matter in September when we start to charge a £1fee. I suppose those with a Pay Pal account can settle up on their behalf and sort out a cash repayment later.

Anyone has any suggestions about how this could be made easier please let a committee member know.

Hopefully I'll be keeping up the blog from now on any feed back would be good
