Thursday, 30 October 2014

Roll Up - Result

Judging by some of the scores today, most people are carrying too many clubs normally. Some others aren't. I hope it was an enjoyable way to finish the year. Thanks for all your support I hope you got fun and fellowship out of it.

Div 1:
1st James Barnatt  37 pts
2nd Mike Smith 36 pts
3rd Cliff Smith 35 pts

Div 2;
1st Martin Buckingham 39 pts
2nd Dinger Long 34 pts
3rd Barry Lund 33 pts

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

New for 2014-15

Further to the AGM I hope that all members will soon be familiar with the following changes under the 'new regime'.

1- Starting with the roll up on Tues 4th. Nov. members will be in one of 3, rather than the present 2, divisions for prizes. Each division will have a 1st. and 2nd. prize only, although the overall prize fund will be significantly increased and 3 divisions should ensure a wider spread of prize winners. Division 1 will be for members with a playing handicap up to and including 19. Division 2 will be for handicaps between 20 and 24 and Division 3 for handicaps of 25 and above. Based on Alan's Eclectic List this will give 3 very even divisions at present.

2- The Captain's Charity Hole will become the 8th. with the pond in front of the tee (rather than the one to the side), being the place to play your ball before putting 50p into the collecting box. Anybody finding the pond from the 13th. tee will need to speak to the Captain personally.

3- The Captain's Charity is the Thames Valley and Chilterns Air Ambulance (TVACAA). I hope the members will be keen to support this very valuable, worthwhile cause. By coincidence it is TVACAA's 15th. anniversary in 2015 and they were looking to organise a golfing event as part of their celebrations. I have pointed them in the direction of our Seniors Open and I am expecting a lot of support from them for our major event.

Regarding more immediate matters:
  • The sign up sheet for the November Medal will be taken down at the end of the day on Thurs. 6th. Nov.
  • The sign up sheet for the U Boat Trophy will be available from Thurs. 30th. Oct.
  • The individual stableford roll up on Tues. 4th. Nov will include a N.P. prize for the 6th. hole
  • Copies of the Years Programme will be available from Thurs. 30th. Oct. I am very grateful to Mike Steward for producing these (once again).
Cliff Smith

Captains Choice 30 Oct 2014

The game to be played on Thursday 30th Oct will be 3 clubs and a putter from the yellow tees.
No more than three clubs and a putter and all the rest of your paraphernalia may be carried on the course.

Roll Up - Result

The result of today's roll up is as follows.

Div 1:
1st Geof Mills 38pts
2nd  Paddy marcks 35 pts
3rd John Watt 33 pts

Div 2
1st Dinger Long 40 pts
2nd Graham Rutson 38 pts
3rd Alan Jones 37 pts

Seniors v Juniors

The Senior section took on the junior section in a match play competition today and the result was an amicable draw 3-3.

It was a very close match. with three losing seniors surviving untill the last 2 holes. Alex Tyrell, James Barnatt and Tony Carter won their matches quite comfortably.

Everybody enjoyed the golf and the fine weather. Many thanks to Alan Lake for organising the day.

Seniors vs Juniors - Result

The match ended up halved at 3 - 3.

All participants, both young and not so young, thoroughly enjoyed the match, with four of the six games being taken to the last couple of holes... the two that were won a bit sooner were both wins for the Seniors' Section.

Whilst they probably won't read this, I would like to thank the members of the Junior Section for giving up a day of their half-term holiday to play and to Mark, the Juniors Organiser, for helping me arrange the game.

Juniors Team -
Jack Lambourne (4)
Matt Craddock (5)
Robert Frost (8)
Ben Armstrong (12)
Josh Hanley (21)
Tony Hanley (19) - may have to check his birth certificate! :-)

Monday, 27 October 2014

Match v Juniors - Tue 28th Oct

The Juniors will be fielding a team of six for tomorrow's match.. with handicaps of 4, 5, 8, 12, 12 & 21.. should be easy then!!

The Seniors Team will be...
  • John Alexander
  • Mike Smith
  • James Barnatt
  • Tony Carter
  • Mike Steward
  • Alex Tyrell
  • Glyn Rees
  • Alan Lake
Please be at the golf club by 0900, for a start of appx 0930 behind the roll-up.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Roll Up 21st Oct

Sorry I appear not to have published the result of the Roll Up on 21st Oct 2014.
1st: Bob Harvey. 31 pts (CB)
2nd Tony Carter 31 pts
3rd Barry Lund  29 pts.
There were only 22 competitors so only three prizes.

Friday, 24 October 2014

Captain's Handover Dinner

The 'sign up' deadline for the dinner is Wed. 29th.

We have to confirm numbers then so please add your names to the list if you are able to attend and haven't 'signed up' yet.

For everybody attending PLEASE, PLEASE pay your money to Brian BEFORE the day.

The buffet menu will include: Poached Salmon, Beef, Ham and a Vegetarian Quiche with a variety of salads. There will be a choice of 3 deserts.

The evening will include a presentation of trophies as well as The Handover.


Thursday, 23 October 2014

Bowmaker Roll Up 23 Oct

here is the result of today's Roll Up
1st: Derrick King , John Alexander, Mike Steward 81 pts
2nd: Glyn Rees, James Barnatt, Dinger Long 78 pts.

Monday, 20 October 2014

Captain's Handover Dinner - Fri. 31st. Oct.

As of tomorrow (Tues. 21st. Oct.) Brian will be more than happy to collect money from you for the Captain's Handover Dinner. The cost is £16 per head for a two course meal. If you have not already signed up for this event I hope you will be able to add your name to the list this week so that final numbers can be confirmed with the restaurant. I look forward to seeing you on 31st. October.

Friday, 17 October 2014

AGM 22 Oct 2014 7pm

This is a reminder that the Senior Section AGM will be held at Witney Lakes at 7pm on Wed 22nd Oct 2014. A copy of last year's minutes are posted on the notice board and copies will be available at the meeting.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Roll Up 16 Oct 2014

The results from today's Roll Up are as follows:
 Pat Hiles,Barry Holmes, John Watt 78 pts
Bob Harvey, Richard Woodward, Graham Rutson. 75 pts
Alex Tyrell, Eric Wearing, Mike Dawson 74 pts (CB).

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Roll Up Tuesday 14th Oct

Div 1:
Gerry Collier 36 pts
M.Steward 35 pts
M.Smith 34 pts
Div 2:
B.Holmes 40 pts
J.Courtney 33 pts
K Timms 31 pts (CB)

Monday, 13 October 2014

Senior's AGM

It has been drawn to my attention that the date and time of the AGM has not been posted on the website, although it has been on the notice board for sometime. The AGM will be held at Witney Lakes at 7.00 pm on Wednesday 22nd Oct 2014.

Friday, 10 October 2014

Masters Trophy 9th Oct 2014

I am pleased to announce that the winner of this years Masters Trophy with a net score of 74 is
Mike Smith.
Martin Buckingham was a close second, only losing on countback with Ron Feasey in 3rd spot.

Joe Homan Golf Day

Not that I am prone to bragging, but... James Barnatt and I played in the Joe Homan Charity Day at Wragg Barn today. And after  amassing 104 pts (James) and 116 pts (Glyn) in the Masters at Windey Lakes on Thursday we were not hopeful of success. However we came away with the team trophy and James won the individual prize with 38 pts beating me on countback. Here is a photo of the trophy.

Roll Up 9th Oct

Apologies for the delay in posting these results. My computer refused to play with Google chrome. So Finally
1st:  Barry Lund 40pts
2nd: Graham Rutson 34 pts (CB)
3rd Andy Wright 34 pts

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Eclectic Competition - Final Result

With the final 'white tee qualifier' completed, we now have the result of the Eclectic Competition, in 1st and 2nd place are...

Congratulations to John and Mike and I hope you enjoy your day at the Buckingham Pairs Open in April of next year.

Match v Junior Section

I am in the process of organising a match against our Junior Section, for Tuesday, 28th October, during the half-term break.

I expect it to be singles matchplay, off full handicap difference, played from the white tees. We will go off behind the roll-up, appx 0930 and go in 4-balls to avoid taking up too many tee-times.

The Junior Section is not very strong - numbers wise - at the moment, but Mark (the Juniors Organiser) expects to be able to get at least 6 to play.

They are, however, very strong ability wise, so I will be hoping to talk our lower handicap players into taking part... I'll be in touch!

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Invotech Results

Div 1:
1st  John Watt  73
2nd Tony Carter 74
3rd Alan Lake 75

Div 2:
1st Kevin Timms 75 (CB)
2nd Barry Holmes 75 (CB)
3rd Richard Woodward 75

Therefore the winner of the Invotech Trophy was John Watt.

Masters + Roll Up

The teetimes list  for the Masters is published on the Teetimes page. There will be a Stableford Roll Up for the also rans starting at 09.00 am.

Friday, 3 October 2014

October Medal - Result

The winner of the October Monthly Medal by a handsome margin which got him cut was Tony Carter.

Div 1:
T.Carter 63
C.Baker  69
D.Westman 71

Div 2:
A.Lake 69
J.Robinson 70
R.Harvey 71