Tuesday 28 October 2014

Seniors vs Juniors - Result

The match ended up halved at 3 - 3.

All participants, both young and not so young, thoroughly enjoyed the match, with four of the six games being taken to the last couple of holes... the two that were won a bit sooner were both wins for the Seniors' Section.

Whilst they probably won't read this, I would like to thank the members of the Junior Section for giving up a day of their half-term holiday to play and to Mark, the Juniors Organiser, for helping me arrange the game.

Juniors Team -
Jack Lambourne (4)
Matt Craddock (5)
Robert Frost (8)
Ben Armstrong (12)
Josh Hanley (21)
Tony Hanley (19) - may have to check his birth certificate! :-)

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