Tuesday 4 November 2014

Decision on Poor Visibility

There were clearly (no joke intended) issues regarding the poor visibility and associated safety of players this morning (Tues. 4th. Nov.).

Following the game, the committee met and decided on the following policy, until there is further guidance from Witney Lakes Golf Club.

For an organised competition to take place the visibility must be good enough to see the 150 yard marker, on the left of the 1st. fairway, from the 1st. tee.
If this is not the case then the organised competition will be delayed until conditions improve enough for the above criteria to be met, or ultimately cancelled.

Members who are delayed by this situation are able to make their own decision regarding the safety of the conditions and tee off if they wish, providing that Witney Lakes Golf Club has not closed the course. In these circumstances they will not be part of that days organised competition and The Seniors Section will not be responsible for their safety.

Hopefully this will rarely, if ever, apply.

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