Tuesday 30 June 2015

Tuesday 30th. June 2015

Result of today's Pairs Better Ball Stableford competition:

1st. - Barry Holmes and Eric Wearing -           48 pts.
2nd. - Roger Laban and Martin Buckingham - 47 pts.
3rd. - Brian Rollerson and Colin Baker -          46 pts.

Bandit of the Month

Last months' bandit was finally tracked down (see below) but now this months bandit, Geoff Mills, is on the run.

Also captured today was our June Medal winner, Ron Feasey:

Two reminders, as mentioned at Prize Giving today:

1 - The closing date for 'signing up' to the Seniors Section Championship is Thursday 2nd. July
2 - If you haven't already done so, please organise your entry for the Seniors Charity Open. The closing date for this one is 22nd. July.

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