Tuesday 15 September 2015

Tuesday 15th. September 2015

Result of today's Summer Stableford - Round 6

Division 1
                James Barnatt - 39 pts.
                Roger Laban -  38 pts. (CB)

Division 2
               Kevin Timms - 36 pts.
               Frank Hay -      35 pts. (CB)

Division 3
               Dave Stone -     33 pts.
               Mike Dawson - 31 pts. (CB)

The overall result of the Summer Stableford competition (best 3 rounds from 6) is:

1st. -  Kevin Timms - 111 pts
2nd. - Roger Laban -  110 pts
3rd. - James Barnatt - 108 pts.
4th. - Alan Jones -      107 pts.
5th. - Barry Lund, Geoff Mills amd John Watt - 106 pts.

Congratulations to Kevin (again!) and to those who were just behind.

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