Tuesday 19 April 2016

Results from the golf played today ...

Roll-Up Individual Stroke Play

Despite 21 signatures being on the roll-up sheet only 18 cards were returned! If you are going to drop out please put a card in marked NR.

Division 1
First Mike Smith 70
Second: Geoff Mills 73

Division 2
First: Doug Keen 69
Second: Colin Baker 73

Division 3
First: Barry Lund 64 - Card in for handicap reduction please Barry!
Second: Dinger Long 70

Fixture against Naunton Downs.

Team Witney won 6-0. Congratulations team, and thank you for putting your names forward to play the fixture. More players would be welcome.

Next week we have a home fixture against Drayton Park. One bright spark put his name down twice, so I am still short of ONE player. If you didn't put your name down and want to play then please contact me.

Happy Golfing ...

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