Tuesday 17 May 2016

A few items ...

As many of you will be aware John Drew passed away last week. A card has been sent to Mari on behalf of all the golfers and friends at Witney Lakes.

The following is detail of John's funeral.

Date: Wednesday 25th May 2016
Time: 1pm
Venue: South Oxfordshire crematorium OX13 5PA
with refreshments afterwards at Milletts Farm 

Further sad news, I heard today that Ron Deacon's wife has passed away. You may wish to contact Ron Deacon with your condolences.


On a lighter note - we play the first of the Summer Stablefords on Thursday next (19th). Please check your tee times, as I have made a few adjustments (see tee times tab on website). Please double check that the handicap you are using is up-to-date.

If you want to drop out of a signed-up competition then please let me know in good time. 


Details of the Summer Knockout Singles Tournament can be found under the Matches tab on this website. There will also be a diagram of the games on the notice board in the Sports Bar.


U Boat Tournament 2015-16 FINAL - To be played before the end of May 2016.

                     J.Barnatt & R.Feasey       vs          P.Marcks & J.Watt       
Unfortunately N.Pitchforth & D.Long could not play the semi-final by the deadline and have been eliminated from the competition.

Keep Golfing - Capt.

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