Wednesday 31 January 2018

Hi all,

The sign up sheet for Thursdays roll and and U Boat is in the Gents Changing Room.

In addition the sign up sheets for the Monthly Medal, Winter Stableford Round 5 and Eric Clack Memorial Trophy are also there whilst the Sports Bar is being updated.

The Bistro is open from 8.00 and Annie will be in attendance

My weather App says it will be 3 degrees tomorrow so wrap up warm

Tuesday 30 January 2018

So the first day of spring came early this year, what a lovely day I'm just wondering what February and March have in store for us.

33 played today a good turnout after the recent bad weather

First Chris Hatherly 39 points, second John Watt 36 points, and third on countback Dave Williams 34 points.

First Alan Jones 34 points, second Derek Tidy 32 points, and third on countback Tony Daly 30 points

Well done to all

Thursday is the UBoat catch up day plus Stableford Roll Up for the rest.
I dont have a start list, I suggest that those playing in the UBoat get there as early as possible and sign up one of the slots before the rest are taken by the Roll Up.

I think we are probably in the Bistro afterwards, no idea where the list will be though James what do you know??


Sunday 28 January 2018

I hope you have all been keeping up with the refurbishment plans programme changes and cancellations.

This week on Tuesday we have a Stableford Roll Up and Thursday another chance to play the outstanding UBoat matches and a roll up for the others.

Good news is Rod is back this week and I can have a rest after my brief spell in the Limelight


Tuesday 23 January 2018

A very difficult day for golf as I'm sure most of you will agree.

Mike Smith won at a canter ( or should that be at a paddle). I'm not a great swimmer and got stuck in the deep end on a couple of the holes. Still its nice to see the ducks swimming on the fairway, so much at home.
Results ( and handicap changes I'm afraid Mike ) below.

Start times and pairings for Thursdays two Tee start on the tee times page shortly.

Monday 22 January 2018

So I hope we are all go for tomorrows medal. As far as I know the course is open as are the heavens forecast to be. A couple of names have been added to the start sheet on the blog that probably aren't on James' printed sheet but all should be OK

Its a qualifier so dont forget to sign in

Thursday 18 January 2018

Another sunny (cold) day at the lakes and a very enjoyable Texas Scramble. Some good scores and the course playing very well considering the weather we have had recently
Winners today on 61 John Alexander, Alan Lake, and Stuart Green
Second on 61.8 Chris Hatherly, Brian Rollerson, and Alan Jones.

Next Tuesday is the January Medal and start times are on the blog

One change to this months programme. Because of the refurbishment works being planned, prize giving and a two tee start will be next Thursday the 25th Jan. Details should be available Tuesday

Tuesday 16 January 2018

So a lovely day on the Golf Course a bit cold perhaps but it is January.
No sheet today it was left in the reception by James' wife but then went missing.

So from the cards 22 players and two prizes in each division
Div 1
first Dave Williams with 36 second  John Watt with 35
Div 2
first Brian Rollerson on 35 second Eric Wearing 31

I havent seen a sign up sheet for Thursday which is a Texas Scramble so you early starters will have to get the sheet from Reception (where I assume it will be).

The January Medal is next Tuesday and I will make a draw for Tee times and put it on the blog sometime tomorrow


Saturday 13 January 2018

So looking at what Rod has organised for Tuesday we will hold a Stablford roll up for those not playing in the UBoat round 2. The draw is on the UBoat page of the blog.

I believe James has the sign up sheet and for those playing their matches please just book a slot when you are all there. For the others not able to play their matches ( for example me and Rod) time will be available early Feb but it's getting tight.


Thursday 11 January 2018

So Gentleman a complex format on a cold and damp day.
Why am I saying the format is complex the scoring is easy but the handicapping is not.

What should happen is as follow
60% of the playing handicap of the lower handicapped player and 40% of the higher handicapped player should be used and the competition handicap calculated to the decimal place and added together.
So for players with handicaps of 16 and 23 the calculation should be as follows

(16x0.6) + (23x0.4)  that is 9.6 + 9.2 giving a competition handicap of 18.8 to be deducted from the gross score.

That wasn't what the sign up sheet said and after thinking about it I have decided that we must follow what the sign up sheet says

So Winners today were Peter Burdon and Dave Williams with 67 nett
Runners up (on countback) were Robin Day and Brian Floyd on 69 nett

And I'm glad I dont need to check cards with those complex rules everyday

Tuesday 9 January 2018

We have a pairs competition for Thursday so I have taken the 10 names who signed in today and paired them up by drawing lots. The pairings will be on the Tee time sheet soon and the sheet pinned up in the changing rooms as soon as I can tomorrow.

All who come later than the first ten we will collect the cards and draw partners before you set off.

I hope you all agree this is the best and fairest way of selecting the teams

Results from Today as follows,

A cold wet day but nice to get back on the course

Monday 8 January 2018

Tomorrows Tee sheet is in the changing rooms ready for you early risers,

The competition tomorrow is round 4 of the Winter Stableford so please sign in to the Intelligent Golf system and enter your scores after playing.

Best of luck and lets hope its not too cold


Friday 5 January 2018

Thanks to Brian for pointing out first Tee next Tuesday should be 8:30 not 8:00. I will change the times shortly

Thursday 4 January 2018

So my predictions about dodgy weather came all too true. Next time I must remember to look at the web site and my emails before I set off for the course, but as predicted Annie was serving coffee so not too bad.

Next Tuesday is round 4 of the Winter Stableford and I have put the list of starters on the Tee times page. The game will also be on Intelligent Golf but not a qualifier.

As I am guessing there are a number of you who havent been to the club recently but will want to play I have left a gap in the middle of the draw and as always there is room at the end of the draw.

If you want to be added either roll up at the end or if you want an earlier start email me on my home address and I will try and fit you in.


Tuesday 2 January 2018

Well I hope the 9 that set off today all made it back OK. I just watched the 6 o'clock news and there was no mention of you so I guess you are all OK although no scores were entered on the Intelligent Golf system.

So what happens Thursday

In theory its a Teesing Roll Up but watching tonight's weather forecast I wonder if it will happen. But anyway Annie will be serving coffee in the Sports Bar so its always worth a visit
