Tuesday 22 May 2018

Good Evening,

Apparently I caused some confusion by putting up the Roll up Sheets early, with players using it as a sign up option.
None of our roll ups are sign ups.
I put these sheets up early to save Kevin a job

Good to see some new faces last week and this week, Phil Smart, Dave Dodds and Peter Cartwright, welcome to Witney lakes Seniors.

Also good to see Dave Halliday, Kevin Sheehan and Peter McNamara enjoying their second game of the year with us

Congratulations to Richard Gent for being the overall winner and a strong start from Dave Dodds 1st in Division 1 and 2nd overall

The results were

1st Richard Gent(24)
2nd David Dodds(14)
3rd Leonard Gough(30)
6th Eric Wearing(23)
7th Ron Deacon(28)
8th Peter Burdon(15)
10th Peter McNamara(20)
11th Barry Lund(25)
12th Douglas Keen(18)
13th Patrick Marcks(21)
14th David Butler(28)
15th Alec Tyrell(17)
16th Bob Kirkwood(17)
17th John Alexander(14)
18th Roderick Rapley(15)
19th Graham Simpson(28)
20th Steven Miles(34)
21st Barrie Black(28)
22nd Anthony Ward(12)
23rd Michael Smith(12)
24th John Courtney(28)
26th William Howard(28)

Division One Results
1st David Dodds(14)
3rd Peter Burdon(15)
6th Douglas Keen(18)
8th Alec Tyrell(17)
9th Bob Kirkwood(17)
10th John Alexander(14)
11th Roderick Rapley(15)
12th Anthony Ward(12)
13th Michael Smith(12)

Division Two Results
1st Richard Gent(24)
2nd Leonard Gough(30)
4th Eric Wearing(23)
5th Ron Deacon(28)
6th Barry Lund(25)
7th David Butler(28)
9th Steven Miles(34)
10th Barrie Black(28)
11th John Courtney(28)
13th William Howard(28)

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