Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Well what a day. By the time I got up all the rain had finished but I understand from the brave souls who battled there way round today that once the rain stopped it wasn't too bad.

Only 8 results and one of them seems to be a bit off bur congratulations to Mike Twyman who won today with 30 points. He was getting quite excited as the later games came in and no one managed to knock him off top spot.

Result below but first comments about the next few days.

Seniors are in a match at Wychwood and a seniors day at Lillibrook on Thursday so I'm not going to try and organise a formal competition, but the tee time is still booked for those left in Witney.

Next week is the Club Senior Championships and Tuesday tee times are in handicap order. I wont be around Thursday but I'll pick up the entry sheets sometime Thursday or Friday morning and put the start list on the blog and in the changing room over the weekend

Todays result

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