Sunday, 24 November 2019

For all of you new to the competition here are the Rules for the UBoat

U-Boat Knock-OutTrophy

  1. Open to all Male members of Witney Lakes Golf Club, aged 55yrs and over on the day of the competition, who hold an active/competition handicap.
  2. Format – Pairs Matchplay, 4-Ball Better Ball
  3. Pairs are drawn at random, with the exception of the previous year's winners who will be paired together to defend their title.
  4. Tees - Yellow
  5. Handicap – Strokes received, 90% Handicap difference, off the lowest handicap player in group.
  6. History - Malcolm (Mac) Savage, another original member of the Seniors and the Section's first treasurer, presented this German U-Boat key as a trophy. The key itself is a valve handle for the control of air to the ballast tanks of a submarine and came from U-85, which surrendered in Dec. 1918 after the end of World War I. 
  7. This is a winter 4BBB, knock-out competition, which starts in November.

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