Wednesday 11 March 2020

I managed to get round 18 holes yesterday my first Medal since 2018, AND I came third in Div2 AND I marked the card of the winner. What a day!

So congratulations to Bob Kirkwood he played very straight and didn't make any big mistakes, very difficult in that wind yesterday.

I know there were questions about why handicaps hadn't changed after the game and my understanding is that on advice from the Handicap Secretary the course as played had been too short and so the game was changed to Non Qualifying

So after all that fun on the course we had a committee meeting and I am very pleased to say (among lots of other stuff of course) we agreed to rename the Invotec Trophy  The Bill Woodbridge Memorial Trophy in memory of Bill Woodbridge (rather obvious really)

More information on Bill was posted here a couple of weeks ago but we will make that more visible soon.



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