Thursday 19 November 2015

Results from the Winter Stableford Round 2 played today.

Division 1.
First: Alex Tyrell (38)
Second: Mike Steward (35)

Division 2.
First: Gerry Collier (34) CB
Second: Doug Keen (34) CB

Division 3.
First: Bill Ford (33)
Second: Barry Lund (28)

The full results are on the Seniors' Notice Board in the Sports Bar.
You can also visit HowDidiDo to see the results.

Notice to: Alan Lake, Robin Day, Martin Buckingham and Bob Kirkwood. Unfortunately Robin cannot make the preliminary U-Boat match on Tuesday 24th, so please arrange amongst yourselves to play on an alternative date, but before the 10th December. Thanks.

For those of you who have not signed up for the four-ball better ball on the 26th November, please sign the sheet in the Sports Bar asap if you want to play. I propose to organise the teams for this match next week.

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