Friday 27 November 2015

The week ahead ...

Monthly Game Subs

Brian has asked me to remind you all that monthly game subs are due on Tuesday 1st Dec. All contributions gratefully received for the running of the Seniors' Section.

Charity Hole

If you haven't already noticed the new charity hole is the par 3, 15th. If your ball ends up in the pond water, gorse bush (and requires a drop out), out-of-bounds and the BUNKER - yes I've added the bunker - then I would be more than happy to receive your 50p in the charity box please. Remember guys it's all in a good cause.

Tuesday 1st December

Roll-up to play a yellow peril team game. Teams will be chosen at regular intervals from a pool of cards.

After the game there is a meeting of the Seniors' Committee.

Thursday 3rd December

Roll-up to play a teesing STROKE play individual game. Order of tees Red/Yellow/White.

Can I remind you all that there are sign-up sheets on the notice board in the Sports Bar for the Medal and Winter Stableford 3.

Well that's another week gone! Have fun and enjoy your golf!!!

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