Thursday 31 December 2015

Course Closed today ...

I've just had an email from James to say the golf course is closed today. So no Thursday roll-up!

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Results from the roll up played today ...

FIRST: James Barnatt, Eric Wearing and Derek Tidy (78 points)
SECOND: Roy Williams, Kevin Timms and John Alexander (77 points).

Remember on Thursday 31st you only have tee times from 8.00 - 8.56.

Monday 28 December 2015

The week ahead ...

This week we have two roll-up games.

Tuesday 29th December is a 3s 4s and 5s game.

This is a Stableford game played in TEAMS OF THREE, off full handicap.

All three team members score on the par 3s. Use the best scores for any two team members on the par 4s. Use the best score for one team member on the par 5s
The scorecard must show the gross scores & stableford points for each player, the total for the hole and the final total for 18 holes.

Thursday 31st December is a Teesing Stableford game.

This is an INDIVIDUAL Stableford played off WHITE/YELLOW/RED tees in that order, using the yellow stroke index for the red tees.
Owing to the fact that it will be New Years Eve there are limited tee times. Start at 8.00am last tee time 8.56am.



Tuesday 22 December 2015

Results from the Christmas Bash held today ...

In the match play the Tigers won 6 games to 3. 
Clearly some of the rabbits that won need their handicaps reviewing in the New Year!

The nearest the pin prizes (£5 will be credited to your M&S card) go to the following players:

Green 6 - Ron Feasey
Green 8 - Mike Smith
Green 12 - James Barnatt
Green 15 - Terry Edmunds

Well done to all for doing battle in such windy conditions. At least we didn't get wet.

Congratulations to Paddy Marcks for getting a hole-in-one playing in an informal game yesterday. Paddy has kindly made a donation to the Captain's Charity.

Have a Happy Christmas - and let's hope we all have an enjoyable golfing year for 2016.

Just a reminder - no organised golf on Christmas Eve.
We have roll ups organised for next week - 29th and 31st December.

Thursday 17 December 2015

The week ahead ...

Christmas Bash – Tuesday 22nd December

This is a Stroke Match Play with ¾ handicap difference.

Tee 1         Tigers                                vs                 Rabbits

08:00 Holmes (20) & Watt (21)                    Harvey (27) & Deacon (28)
08:10 Edmunds (7) & Marcks (18)               Hale (21) & Collier (21)
08:20 Saunders (19) & Tyrell (15)                Wearing (21) & Buckingham (28)
08:30 Wright (19) & Lake (19)                     Long (22) & Butler (28)
08:40 Kirkwood (15) & Gent (21)                 Robinson (26) & Lund (26)

Tee 10        Tigers                               vs                  Rabbits

08:00 Barnatt (15) & Keen (22)                    Baker (22) & Sheehan (28)
08:10 Smith (15) & Feasey (21)                    Rollerson (22) & Tidy (28)
08:20 Steward (17) & Laban (18)                 Dawson (25) & Jones (23)
08:30 Alexander (12) & Williams (15)           Black (26) & Comley (21)

The cut-off point for a tiger is a handicap of 20-21 or less. However, it has been
necessary for the odd rabbit to stray into the tiger team and vice versa in order to attempt to balance the games.

I don't expect it to be a walkover for the tigers since there are some right bandits amongst the rabbits – but we shall see on the day!

There will be nearest-the-pin challenges on ALL par 3 holes.

After the match there will be sandwiches and team chips served in the Sports Bar. Order at the bar after you have completed your game. The cost of the match £1 and the food £2 will be deducted from your monthly subs. The remainder of the food costs will be subsidised by the Seniors' Section (after all it is Christmas).

STOP PRESS - We will also have the prize giving for November and December after the food.

Thursday 24th December. There is no formal game arranged for the seniors. However, you can still play golf - it's up to you.

Results from the Winter Stableford 3 played today ...

Division 1
First: Mike Steward 37 pts
Second: Mike Smith 34 pts CB

Division 2
First: Kevin Timms 34 pts
Second: Doug Keen 31 pts CB

Division 3
First: Bob Harvey 34 pts
Second: Dave Butler 31 pts

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Results from the roll-up Texas Scramble played today.

FIRST: Barry Lund, Alan Lake and Mike Steward (64.7)
SECOND: Mike Dawson, Ron Deacon and Cliff Smith (65.7)

Monday 14 December 2015

Condition of the Golf Course.

I had a 'phone call from Witney Lakes GC this evening. Owing to the amount of rain we have had over the last few days the condition of the course is poor.

I have been advised that Steve Putt will make a decision as to whether the course will be opened on Tuesday 15th December. Please 'phone reception on 01993-893011 after 7.45 am as to whether the course is open.

If the course is open, and I have enough numbers, I will still run the Texas Scramble, however the start may be delayed.

If the wet whether persists I will have to re-schedule the remainder of the games up to Christmas. Watch this space for more info.

Oh the joy of wet weather golf!  Barry H.

Sunday 13 December 2015

The week ahead ...

Tuesday 15th Dec is a roll-up Texas Scramble TEAM game. Allocation of teams will be on a first-come-first-served basis. No waiting in the car park until your favourite team members appear! As if you would.

Thursday 17th Dec - Winter Stableford Round 3. The tee times have been drawn and appear on this website and in the Sports Bar. If your name is not down and you want to play, just add it to the notice in the Sports Bar.

I will be removing the Christmas Bash sign-up sheet on Tuesday. Sign up by Tuesday if you still want to play and have a sandwich and chips with your mates afterwards.

Enjoy your golf - even in this grotty weather!

Thursday 10 December 2015

Results from U-Boat Round 1 played today.

The following pairs are through to round 2 of the U-Boat.

B.Holmes & B.Lund won (3 and 2)
J.Barnatt & R.Feasey won (4 and 2)
M.Steward & R.Harvey won (5 and 3)
P.Marcks & J.Watt won (2 and 1)
A.Tyrell & R.Deacon won (3 and 2)

Earlier in the week J.Robinson & T.Edmunds also won their match and are through to Round 2.

Just a reminder to those who haven't yet completed round 1. Please organise
your date and time to play and complete your game NO LATER than
19th January 2016.

See the matches tab on the website for further information.

In view of today's weather forecast very few rolled up to play the an individual
Stableford, and those that did organised their own game! Hence no income and no prizes!!!

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Results from the December Medal played today.

Division 1
First: Mike Smith 75
Second: James Barnatt 77 CB

Division 2
First: Barry Holmes 71
Second: Brian Rollerson 76

Division 3
First: Barry Lund 73
Second: Mike Dawson 78 CB

Winner of the December Medal is Barry Holmes.

Full results can be viewed on the website HowDidIDo, as well as appearing on the notice board in the Sports Bar.

I notice from the sign-up sheet for the Christmas Bash on the 22nd December that many of you have not signed up for food. This is a split tee, match play comp, so it might be a bit more festive if more of you stayed at the end of the match and had a drink and bite to eat with your mates! Need I say more?

Friday 4 December 2015

The week ahead ...

Tuesday 8th Dec - Monthly Medal - See tee times tab on website. Add your name to the list in the Sports Bar if you want to play and have not yet been included.

Thursday 10th Dec - U-Boat First Round - See matches tab on website for tee times. Please check that your team members can play on the day!

For those of you not in the U-Boat there is a roll-up from about 9:10 ish playing an individual Stableford.

There are sign-up sheets in the Sports Bar for the Winter Stableford Round 3, and the Christmas Bash - Match Play.

Enjoy your golf!

Thursday 3 December 2015

Results from the Teesing Stroke play (3/12/2015)

Division 1:
First - Mike Steward 68
Second - Alex Tyrell 69

Division 2:
First - Kevin Timms 70
Second - Doug Keen 71

Division 3:
First - John Robinson 72
Second - Barry Lund 73

Did anyone leave a 'chipper' golf club out on the fairway in the last couple of weeks?
If so please claim it from the Sports Bar.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Results from the Yellow Peril Team game played today.

FIRST: Mike Smith, Geoff Mills and Paddy Marcks (135)
SECOND: Rae Comley, Gerry Collier and Barry Lund (119)

The final team in the club house - Robin Day, John Courtney, etc didn't submit their score card. If you are likely to beat the top two teams please let me know.