Thursday 17 December 2015

The week ahead ...

Christmas Bash – Tuesday 22nd December

This is a Stroke Match Play with ¾ handicap difference.

Tee 1         Tigers                                vs                 Rabbits

08:00 Holmes (20) & Watt (21)                    Harvey (27) & Deacon (28)
08:10 Edmunds (7) & Marcks (18)               Hale (21) & Collier (21)
08:20 Saunders (19) & Tyrell (15)                Wearing (21) & Buckingham (28)
08:30 Wright (19) & Lake (19)                     Long (22) & Butler (28)
08:40 Kirkwood (15) & Gent (21)                 Robinson (26) & Lund (26)

Tee 10        Tigers                               vs                  Rabbits

08:00 Barnatt (15) & Keen (22)                    Baker (22) & Sheehan (28)
08:10 Smith (15) & Feasey (21)                    Rollerson (22) & Tidy (28)
08:20 Steward (17) & Laban (18)                 Dawson (25) & Jones (23)
08:30 Alexander (12) & Williams (15)           Black (26) & Comley (21)

The cut-off point for a tiger is a handicap of 20-21 or less. However, it has been
necessary for the odd rabbit to stray into the tiger team and vice versa in order to attempt to balance the games.

I don't expect it to be a walkover for the tigers since there are some right bandits amongst the rabbits – but we shall see on the day!

There will be nearest-the-pin challenges on ALL par 3 holes.

After the match there will be sandwiches and team chips served in the Sports Bar. Order at the bar after you have completed your game. The cost of the match £1 and the food £2 will be deducted from your monthly subs. The remainder of the food costs will be subsidised by the Seniors' Section (after all it is Christmas).

STOP PRESS - We will also have the prize giving for November and December after the food.

Thursday 24th December. There is no formal game arranged for the seniors. However, you can still play golf - it's up to you.

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