Tuesday 22 December 2015

Results from the Christmas Bash held today ...

In the match play the Tigers won 6 games to 3. 
Clearly some of the rabbits that won need their handicaps reviewing in the New Year!

The nearest the pin prizes (£5 will be credited to your M&S card) go to the following players:

Green 6 - Ron Feasey
Green 8 - Mike Smith
Green 12 - James Barnatt
Green 15 - Terry Edmunds

Well done to all for doing battle in such windy conditions. At least we didn't get wet.

Congratulations to Paddy Marcks for getting a hole-in-one playing in an informal game yesterday. Paddy has kindly made a donation to the Captain's Charity.

Have a Happy Christmas - and let's hope we all have an enjoyable golfing year for 2016.

Just a reminder - no organised golf on Christmas Eve.
We have roll ups organised for next week - 29th and 31st December.

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