Friday 25 March 2016

Results from the roll-up and fixture played yesterday ...

Chicago Results

Div 1 Rod Rapley -2 Geoff Mills -3

Div 2 Alan Jones -2 Doug Keen -2 (cb)

Div 3 Bill Ford +5 Dave Butler +1

Fixture Result

Witney beat Carswell 4.5 to 1.5. Well done team Witney!

Next Tuesday team Witney play away at Kirtlington GC. Kirtlington often operate a three-tee start so please be there between 9:15-9:30 for your pre-match tea/coffee.

For those staying at home next Tuesday Kevin will be supervising the roll-up individual Stableford from 8:00 am.

The Tee Times and Pairs are published on the website for the end of month 4BBB.

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