Thursday 23 June 2016

Results from the games being played today ...

Home Fixture against Bicester GC

Team Witney won 5.5 to 0.5. Congratulations guys, and thank you once again for supporting the Witney Lakes Seniors. A big thank you to Kevin Timms for giving me a break at the helm.


Nine players rolled up, but sadly only two teams put their cards in at the end of the Bowmaker game. In view of the poor turnout only one prize can be awarded for the top score.

First: Dave Butler, Martin Buckingham and John Watt (77)
Second: Barry Lund, Eric Wearing and Bert Hale (63)

No card returned by the team comprising Pat Hiles, Ron Deacon and Andy Wright.

For the week ahead we have the Invotec Trophy on the 28th June and the postponed Summer Stableford 2 on the 30th June. Please check your availability to play in both games and email me (asap) if you cannot attend. See the Tee Times tab for both matches.

I would also like to receive entry forms from you for the Charity Open in August.

Enjoy your golf!

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