Thursday 14 July 2016

Results from golf played today ...

There was no organised roll-up today owing to much reduced numbers playing amongst the seniors!

In the home match against Kirtlington, weather good, company good, food good, golf not so good. We got a thrashing 5-1 to Kirtlington. Pity because up until today we had an unbroken series of home wins.

On Tuesday 19th next week we hope to run the roll-up as normal, this will be a Whack & Hack Team Game.

Also on Tuesday twelve players will be away in a match at Drayton Park.

On Thursday 21st we have Summer Stableford Round 3. The tee times are already published on the website and will also be published in the Sports Bar next week. If you want to join in write your name against the next available tee time on the sheet or email me at

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