Thursday 28 July 2016

The week ahead ...

Entry to the Charity Open Competition on 9th August is now CLOSED and I am in the process of drawing up tee-times.

I need volunteers from those senior members who have not entered the Charity Open to help run the day - starters (2), spotters (4), scoring master (1) and anything else I can think of.

On Tuesday 2nd August we have an AWAY match against Bicester GC. Please see the matches tab for the team.

Also on the same day is a roll-up at home 8:00-9:30. This is Eric's Competition. John Alexander has kindly volunteered to run the game.

On Thursday 4th August is the Gavin Brown Trophy - see Tee Times tab on this website.

Brian has asked me to remind you that monthly subs are due at the beginning of August - he will be pleased to receive your cash.

That's all folks - enjoy your golf!

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