Tuesday 28 February 2017

Hi one and all,

A bright start to the 4 Ball better Ball, albeit a cock up on the Tee Times from yours truly, before the clouds came over and the temperature dropped.

All was going well until the 15th and 16th Greens, where the green maintenance made it impossible to putt, therefore the game was declared a fun game with no prizes, or winners or losers.

The Tee Times are up for this Thursday's (2nd March)  Lan-Com Trophy and I suggest everyone looks at the competition rules for this one, and the Monthly Medal for the 7th March.

I have spoken to Martin from the Green Staff, who says that the greens should be OK for this Thursday.

The second semi-final of the U-Boat will be on the 9th, while the rest of s play the Backward Bowmaker Roll up, I really have no chance of getting the arrangements for that correct!!

We have changed the competition on the 16th March to the Eric Clack Trophy.

The first Seniors match is approaching quickly, an away game at Kirklington, which is an interesting course with extremely difficult greens. As I remember the food was very good last year, which is why I suppose seven seniors already have their names down for this one. It would be great to start of the year with a full team sheet before the day of the match! 

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Good Evening all,

Where is Ian McCaskill when you need him. Apparently 6 feet under.

Some of you may have seen the dire weather forecast for tomorrow morning, I have added it below for those that have not.

Because of the severity, an Amber Warning for Oxfordshire, we have decided to postpone the Eric Clack Memorial Trophy tomorrow.

As soon as we can add this important game back into our schedule we will do

Apologies for the late cancellation


Severe Weather Alerts - Witney, Oxfordshire

  • Amber Warning for Wind

    Amber Warning for Wind in effect from Thursday, 6:00 AM GMT until Thursday, 8:00 PM GMT. Source: Met Office National Severe Weather Warnings
Some very strong winds are expected on Thursday in association with storm Doris with gusts of 60-70 mph likely, and 70-80 mph on coasts and hills.

Whilst the strongest winds look to be only short-lived, damage to structures, interruptions to power supplies and widespread disruption to travel networks are likely, with a danger of injury from flying debris. Trees are also likely to be damaged or blown over.

Heavy rain is also likely through Thursday as well as some snow over high ground as the system clears eastwards. These may prove additional hazards.

The warning has been updated to extend the at-risk area southwards.

There is still some uncertainty about the track of storm Doris, but increasing confidence that there will be widespread disruption across parts of England and Wales. The public is advised to take extra care, further information and advice can be found here: http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/warnings/

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Winter Stableford after 4 rounds. I think I have got the scores and the maths correct, but it did get a bit complex with the change over in score entry systems so if you think its wrong let me know

( players more than 10 shots off the lead omitted to avoid embarrassment)

Anybodies competition I think.

I forgot to mention on the last post that Rod can be reached on wlss.vicecaptain@gmail.com if you need to contact him about anything

See you in March

Good Evening to you all.

32 played today in conditions which threatened but didn't ever quite break, a nice day and some good scores (by some). So the best 3 from 5 starts to look interesting

First the results from today

I am away on holiday for three weeks now so I am leaving it up to James and Rod to decide if we pay the third place in each division. Doug and Alan over to you.

I will post the top 10 places to date in the next hour or so and you can see who has a chance with 1 round to go.

One last piece of news Hollowtyning ( is that the right spelling? ) starts next week and will carry on most of the week.

Friday 17 February 2017

I hope you all enjoyed yesterdays game, I turned up telling everyone it was a Stableford game only to find I had actually set up a stroke play game. How did that happen?

Anyway 26 players on a nice day so only 2 prizes per division, at times it felt like spring was springing and just before I go on holiday.

Div 1
1st Alex Tyrell 69, 2nd Mike Smith 71

Div 2
1st Bill Ford 74, 2nd John Robinson 76 (on count back)

The early birds definitely won the day.

I have put the Tee times list in the Sports bar for Tuesdays Winter Stableford Round 4 and there are some additions which I will try to keep up to date on line.

Also last night I set up a spread sheet with all the Winter Stableford scores so far which I'll post up sometime before Tuesday.

The things I do for you lot


Tuesday 14 February 2017

So no Valentines Day Massacre today' it all went very smoothly, only 26 played on a pleasant day and the scores were pretty well spread out.

Some of you will have noticed on How Did I do that the two divisions somehow got mixed up and 22 handicappers were in Div 1 not Div 2.

I'm not sure how we got that wrong its a new competition screen so I think probably finger trouble.

I've looked at the detail and because it wasn't a qualifier as the course was too short and as it made no difference to the winning places I don't think we need to change anything , but we will try and get it right for next Tuesday.

So winners today

Div 1
1st Geoff Mills 38, 2nd John watt, 35 and 3rd Alex Tyrell 32

Div 2
1st Aland Jones 37, 2nd John Robinson 35 and 3rd Brian Rollerson 32 (on count back)

Next Tuesday we play the next round of the same competition and will post the tee times in the next 20 minutes.

This Thursday is a roll up individual Stableford, I have put the list in the Sports Bar a few days ago in case anyone wanted to play a 9 hole comp but as yet no one has but I noticed some have already put there names down for the main 18 hole competition, not quite what I meant to happen but we'll go with it for now

Thursday 9 February 2017

Very Cold today but I always enjoy Erics Game, only 26 played so several of our usual players were obviously wilting violets on what turns out to be Carmen Miranda's 108th birthday.

the result

Division 1
1st Malcolm Saunders 14 ( yes 14)
2nd Doug Keen 20 after countback decided on the last 3 holes

Division 2
1st Mike Dawson 20
2nd Dave Butler 20 on countback.

Well done to all, and Yes james Malcolm did come in 4 stokes below his handicap and beat everyone else by at least 6 strokes, definitely a candidate for February Bandit of the Month (but still a long way to go)

The start sheet for next weeks Winter Stableford are in the club and also I have put up the roll up sheet for the 16th in the Sports Bar just in case anyone you know of wants to play a 9 hole competition
 Also the sign up sheet for the Lancom trophy is on the notice board.

See you all next week

Tuesday 7 February 2017

A Lovely day on the course today, warm as well for the time of year, where did that come from.

How Did I do has a new format so I'm not sure how easy it will be to read the scores so this is todays result from the old system

So welcome back from Holiday Barry you were obviously taking lessons while you were away. 

Thursday we will have Erics Game and the sign up sheet will be in the changing room, also I should be posting the start list for the re-run of the Winter Stab 3 in the next half hour.

Thursday 2 February 2017

What a day we had today, 4 intrepid players set off early this morning, the rest of us sat in the sports bar drinking coffee and waiting for them to come back, but they were never seen again ( at least not while I was still there).

The back 9 holes were closed today so no competition was possible, and we now wait to see the state of the course after storm Doris delivers her mayhem tomorrow.

Assuming its all OK for Tuesday we'll look forward to the Feb Medal. Brian will still be after his money, but hes out very early and then rushing off afterwards so be prepared.

Did England really lose 8 wickets for 8 runs or was it all a dream.


Wednesday 1 February 2017

Good Morning All

I have posted the start times for next Tuesdays Medal today, also I have set up a game for Thursday 16th which is a Roll Up Strokeplay game but from 9:20 onwards will be available as a 9 hole competition if enough want to play. Please let anyone you think might be interested know about it.

