Friday 17 February 2017

I hope you all enjoyed yesterdays game, I turned up telling everyone it was a Stableford game only to find I had actually set up a stroke play game. How did that happen?

Anyway 26 players on a nice day so only 2 prizes per division, at times it felt like spring was springing and just before I go on holiday.

Div 1
1st Alex Tyrell 69, 2nd Mike Smith 71

Div 2
1st Bill Ford 74, 2nd John Robinson 76 (on count back)

The early birds definitely won the day.

I have put the Tee times list in the Sports bar for Tuesdays Winter Stableford Round 4 and there are some additions which I will try to keep up to date on line.

Also last night I set up a spread sheet with all the Winter Stableford scores so far which I'll post up sometime before Tuesday.

The things I do for you lot


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