Friday 30 March 2018

Hot Toddy Results

ResultsNett [click for Gross]CSS 73(R/O)
1st Douglas Keen(17) 73
2nd Malcolm Saunders(21) 75
3rd Ken Gregory(15) 77
4th William Ford(26) 77
5th Alec Tyrell(18) 78
6th Ron Deacon(28) 79
7th Michael Twyman(16) 80
8th Roger Laban(18) 80
9th Patrick Marcks(21) 81
10th Anthony Ward(11) 81
11th Rod Bools(17) 81
12th Richard Gent(24) 82
13th Kevin Timms(16) 83
14th David Williams(15) 83
15th Brian Rollerson(24) 85
16th Alan Lake(21) 86
17th David Butler(28) 86
18th James Barnatt(14) 87
19th Roderick Rapley(15) 87
20th Ron Feasey(22) 87
21st Glyn Rees(27) 88
22nd Brian Floyd(30) 89
23rd Barry Lund(25) 90
24th Alan Jones(25) 92
25th Anthony Carter(18) 93
26th Cliff Smith(24) NR
27th Geoffrey Mills(20) NR
28th John Alexander(13) NR
29th Rae Comley(23) NR

Roll Up Stableford Results 27th March

1st Alan Jones 36 points
2nd Doug Keen 35 points
3rd Roger Laban 32 points

Wednesday 28 March 2018

Hi all

A very changeable day at Kirtlington both in the weather and the results

The weather could not make up its mind and I kept taking off and putting on my waterproof top with regular monotony.

Regarding the match we lost the first 3 matches but won the last 3,. Getting a draw at Kirtlington with their very tricky greens is no mean achievement.

We had 2 players who had not played for us on our normal rota of matches, Chris Hatherly and Mike Twyman, who both won and 2 returning players who have not played for at least the last 3 years Paddy Marcks and Alec Tyrell, who again won.
Hopefully these successes we see future matches from these guys

So a moral victory for Witney Lakes, because it is always very difficult to win away from home!

The Results

 Rod Rapley (15) & Malcolm Saunders 21)  Lost 2&1
Dave Williams (15)  & John Watt (22)  Lost 4&2
James Barnatt (14) & Cliff Smith (24)  Lost 3&2
Chris Hatherly(11) & Dave Butler (28)  Won 3&2
Mike Twyman (16) & Alan lake (21)  W2&1
Alec Tyrell (18) & Paddy Marcks (21) Won 1 Up

Friday 23 March 2018

Meyrick Park Away 22nd March

14 of us ventured south to the seaside at Bournemouth yesterday

Meyrick Park are also part of the Club Company and are keen to play other courses in the group.

Meyrick Park is actually owned by the local council but managed by the Club company.
In fact the course had numerous people exercising their canine friends during our rounds! 

The course is a Parkland type with some interesting holes. The course is quite wooded so straight tee shots were needed and a number of holes had blind tee shots.
The course was in quite good condition bearing in mind it was shut on Sunday and Monday this week, but having a sandy base it had drained very well

We had an excellent breakfast before venturing out, where home advantage certainly was key.
Overall I would say an enjoyable experience and we are looking forward to reciprocating Meyrick Park in October at Witney Lakes

The result was a 5-2 victory for Meyrick Park

Individual Results

Rod Rapley & Dave Butler Lost 3&2
Tony Ward & Richard Gent Lost 6&5
Chris Hatherly & Alan Lake Won 2&1
Declan Jordan & John Watt Won 4&3
Mike Twyman & Malcolm Saunders Lost 3&2
James Barnatt & Glyn Rees Lost 3&2
Kevin Timms & Ron Feasey Lost 2&1

Onward to Kirtlington on Tuesday

Thursday 22nd March Stableford

With 14 of us at Meyrick Park, enjoying a day at the seaside, there were just 9 players for the Roll Up.
A tight contest at the top with Alec just pipping Geoffrey Mills by a point.

Gerry Collier will be kindly running the roll up on Tuesday, as we have a match away against Kirtlington

Seniors- Roll Up Stableford
Results Preview

1st Alec Tyrell(18)
3rd Brian Floyd(30)
4th Cliff Smith(24)
5th Michael Smith(12)
6th Gerry Collier(23)
7th Patrick Hiles(28)


Wednesday 21 March 2018


Due to the match against Meyrick Park this Thursday and Kirtlington next Tuesday, Bill Ford will be in charge of the next two roll ups

Make sure that you enter via IG and put your scores on the system when yu hve finished



Winter Stableford 2018

The course played surprising well yesterday after the snow and rain.
However only 3 players had a score of over 30.
The first three for Round 6 were;

1. Dave Williams 36 points
2. John Watt 35 points 
3. Mike Twyman 32 points

BEST 3 SCORES OVER Rounds 1 to 6

With the club house leader deciding to stay snug as a bug in bed, hoping he had done enough over the previous rounds, John Watt took full advantage scoring 35 points taking his best 3 round total to 108 points
John Alexander remained on 103 points and just held off a late surge by Dave Williams on count back (4th best score counting) also with 103 points.
Full results below
Onward to the Summer Stableford starting on 19th April

Winter Stableford 2017/18
Name Round 1 26th Oct 2017 Round 2 23rd Nov 2017 Round 3
19th Dec 2017
Round 4
9th Jan 2018
Round 5 20th Feb 2018 Round 6 20th Feb 2018 Accumulative score
1 John Watt  27 25 35 38 27 35 108
2 John Alexander  32 31 36 0 35 0 103
3 David Williams  33 0 34 29 0 36 103
4 Martin Buckingham  42 21 30 21 20 29 101
5 Douglas Keen  39 28 26 32 28 26 99
6 Chris Hatherly  32 30 0 37 30 29 99
7 Stuart Green  35 26 28 34 30 99
8 Brian Rollerson  33 0 28 36 30 99
9 Alex Tyrell  35 32 31 30 29 27 98
10 Richard Gent  25 31 32 29 29 28 92
11 Ron Deacon  28 32 30 28 29 28 91
12 Tony Ward 0 0 30 32 29 28 91
13 Geoff Mills 33 31 27 91
14 Rod Rapley  33 26 28 0 29 26 90
15 Michael Smith  30 33 26 24 26 27 90
16 Eric Wearing  30 0 25 34 0 89
17 David Butler  36 26 0 24 26 26 88
18 John Robinson  25 30 28 29 25 87
19 Peter Burdon  28 22 0 33 26 87
20 Ron Feasey  28 22 30 28 0 24 86
21 James Barnatt  23 0 32 30 0 85
22 Kevin Timms  27 0 32 26 0 25 85
23 William Ford  21 24 30 26 0 22 80
24 Barry Lund 0 27 0 26 25 27 80
25 D. J. Alan Jones  23 23 31 0 0 24 78
26 Cliff Smith  31 22 0 22 0 24 77
27 Gerry Webb  32 30 0 0 0 62
28 Mike Twyman 30 32 62
29 Roger Laban 0 26 0 32 0 58
30 Derek Tidy 26 27 53
31 Richard Harris  26 25 0 0 0 51
32 Roy Williams 0 0 28 23 0 51
33 Paddy Marcks 20 28 48
34 Alan Lake 0 27 0 0 20 47
35 Barrie Black 0 20 0 0 25 45
36 Pat Hiles 21 24 45
37 Nigel Pitchforth  22 19 0 0 0 41
38 Brian Floyd 0 21 20 0 0 41
39 Tony Daly 0 0 24 0 17 41
40 Bob Kirkwood 0 0 0 35 0 35
41 Peter McNamara 33 0 33
42 Andy Wright  32 0 0 0 0 32
43 Rod Bowls 0 29 0 0 0 29
44 Ken Gregory 29 29
45 Clifford Surman  27 0 0 0 0 27
46 Mike Dawson  25 0 0 0 0 25
47 Stephen Aldren 0 24 0 0 0 24
48 Graham Simpson 23 0 23
49 Graham Haynes 0 22 0 0 0 22
50 Tony Carter 18 18
51 Bill Howard 16 16
52 Stephen Harrison 0 15 0 0 0 15

Tuesday 20 March 2018

Saturday 17 March 2018

Hot Toddy Competition 29th March

Due to some drops outs, the time times for some players have been altered.
Please check the Tee Times to see if this affects you

Thursday 15 March 2018

WLGC Seniors Matches

We have a good turnout for Meyrick Park and Kirtlington

We have 2 Home Matches following, Haddon Hill & Naunton Downs.

The sign up sheets are on the notice board, I am aware with the current weather and course condition a number will not have been to the Sports Bar recently to sign up

To remind you that those players that play in the Home Matches are guaranteed to play in the Away Match, if they want to and are available


The course is closed today Thursday 15th March

Wednesday 14 March 2018

Thanks to Dave Butler who has stepped in

Hi Guys,

We now have a vacancy for a player to play in the match against Meyrick Park next Thursday.

Let me know asap if you would like to play in the match, against another Club Company Golf Club
e-mail to: or text 07721420100

Roy Williams

Due to Ill health Roy has decided to leave Witney Lakes.
 I have sent our best wishesto him

Tuesday 13 March 2018

Winter Stableford R6 20th March 2018

If anyone else wants to enter this competition let me know by Thursday Lunch time latest

You will notice the leaders are going out last.
If there are no changes to the participants the last group will be a four ball, all fighting out for the prize!!

Current start sheet below

Martin Buckingham
Pat Hiles
Gerry Collier
Paddy Marcks
Mike Twyman
Steve Miles
Roger Laban
Geoff Mills
Cliff Smith
Alan Jones
Barry Lund
Bill Ford
Kevin Timms
James Barnatt
Ron Feasey
Dave Butler
Eric Wearing
Mike Smith
Rod Rapley
Tony Ward
Ron Deacon
Richard Gent
Dave Williams
Alec Tyrell
Chris Hatherly
Doug Keen
John Watt
John Alexander

