Wednesday 21 March 2018

Winter Stableford 2018

The course played surprising well yesterday after the snow and rain.
However only 3 players had a score of over 30.
The first three for Round 6 were;

1. Dave Williams 36 points
2. John Watt 35 points 
3. Mike Twyman 32 points

BEST 3 SCORES OVER Rounds 1 to 6

With the club house leader deciding to stay snug as a bug in bed, hoping he had done enough over the previous rounds, John Watt took full advantage scoring 35 points taking his best 3 round total to 108 points
John Alexander remained on 103 points and just held off a late surge by Dave Williams on count back (4th best score counting) also with 103 points.
Full results below
Onward to the Summer Stableford starting on 19th April

Winter Stableford 2017/18
Name Round 1 26th Oct 2017 Round 2 23rd Nov 2017 Round 3
19th Dec 2017
Round 4
9th Jan 2018
Round 5 20th Feb 2018 Round 6 20th Feb 2018 Accumulative score
1 John Watt  27 25 35 38 27 35 108
2 John Alexander  32 31 36 0 35 0 103
3 David Williams  33 0 34 29 0 36 103
4 Martin Buckingham  42 21 30 21 20 29 101
5 Douglas Keen  39 28 26 32 28 26 99
6 Chris Hatherly  32 30 0 37 30 29 99
7 Stuart Green  35 26 28 34 30 99
8 Brian Rollerson  33 0 28 36 30 99
9 Alex Tyrell  35 32 31 30 29 27 98
10 Richard Gent  25 31 32 29 29 28 92
11 Ron Deacon  28 32 30 28 29 28 91
12 Tony Ward 0 0 30 32 29 28 91
13 Geoff Mills 33 31 27 91
14 Rod Rapley  33 26 28 0 29 26 90
15 Michael Smith  30 33 26 24 26 27 90
16 Eric Wearing  30 0 25 34 0 89
17 David Butler  36 26 0 24 26 26 88
18 John Robinson  25 30 28 29 25 87
19 Peter Burdon  28 22 0 33 26 87
20 Ron Feasey  28 22 30 28 0 24 86
21 James Barnatt  23 0 32 30 0 85
22 Kevin Timms  27 0 32 26 0 25 85
23 William Ford  21 24 30 26 0 22 80
24 Barry Lund 0 27 0 26 25 27 80
25 D. J. Alan Jones  23 23 31 0 0 24 78
26 Cliff Smith  31 22 0 22 0 24 77
27 Gerry Webb  32 30 0 0 0 62
28 Mike Twyman 30 32 62
29 Roger Laban 0 26 0 32 0 58
30 Derek Tidy 26 27 53
31 Richard Harris  26 25 0 0 0 51
32 Roy Williams 0 0 28 23 0 51
33 Paddy Marcks 20 28 48
34 Alan Lake 0 27 0 0 20 47
35 Barrie Black 0 20 0 0 25 45
36 Pat Hiles 21 24 45
37 Nigel Pitchforth  22 19 0 0 0 41
38 Brian Floyd 0 21 20 0 0 41
39 Tony Daly 0 0 24 0 17 41
40 Bob Kirkwood 0 0 0 35 0 35
41 Peter McNamara 33 0 33
42 Andy Wright  32 0 0 0 0 32
43 Rod Bowls 0 29 0 0 0 29
44 Ken Gregory 29 29
45 Clifford Surman  27 0 0 0 0 27
46 Mike Dawson  25 0 0 0 0 25
47 Stephen Aldren 0 24 0 0 0 24
48 Graham Simpson 23 0 23
49 Graham Haynes 0 22 0 0 0 22
50 Tony Carter 18 18
51 Bill Howard 16 16
52 Stephen Harrison 0 15 0 0 0 15

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