Wednesday 17 October 2018


We entertained a sister golf club Meyrick Park yesterday, repaying the hospitality they showed us earlier in the year when we visited them in Bournemouth.
They had a man short, however Malcolm stepped in the fray to partner their captain

The result was an honourable draw 3-3.

Rod & Declan Won 3&1
Julian & Alan Won 2&1
Mike & John Lost 1 down – they were Dormy 4  and nearly pulled off a draw
Glyn & James Won 4&2
Tony & Richard Lost 2&1
Bob & Graham Lost 4&3, the pair they played scored 49 stableford points between them

Roll Up Stableford 14 starters
1st Brian Rollerson
2nd Roger Laban
3rd Alec Tyrell

If you sign up to play, you must log in on IG at the front desk or in the sports Bar.
You must then enter your card when the round is completed on the terminal.
If you do not enter your card, you are unfortunately disqualified but still have to pay your fee



Rod Rapley
Witney Lakes Seniors Captain
m:  07721420100 

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