Monday, 30 June 2014

July Subscriptions

As Brian is away tomorrow he will be collecting the subs next Tuesday 8th July.

Important - Handicap Updates

Away scores have been returned by Wrag Barn for every one who played in their open last Tuesday.

The handicap list on this website has been updated accordingly and a current list will be in the Sports Bar tomorrow morning.

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Roll Up Texas Scramble - Result

1st     M.Smith 59.8

2nd  G.Collier  62.4

3rd   D.Long    62.7

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Seniors Section Championship - Closing Date

Taking place on Tuesday, 1st July and Thursday, 3rd July

36 hole Stroke Play Competition.  Lowest handicaps out first on Tuesday.

Fee : £3.00      Tees : White

We will again be playing for three trophies...

1   CLARET JUG   Lowest Gross Score
2   BENNET CUP  Lowest Nett Score
3   BILL GRAVES  Lowest Nett Score, aged 70 and over.

The entry list for this competition will close tomorrow, Thursday 26th and the start times will be published on Friday.

Roll Up, Tue 24th - Result

1st     Alan Jones     39 pts

2nd    Frank Hay      38 pts

3rd     Geoff Mills    37 (CB)

Monday, 23 June 2014

Home Match v Bicester

Finally I have managed to get a full team for the match against Bicester. 

The team is published on the Matches page.

Ewart Chitty Trophy

As some of you may have seen on the calendar I had combined the Ewart Chitty Trophy with Summer Stableford Round 4.

As they are played off different tees this will not be possible.

Therefore the Ewart Chitty Trophy will be contested on 4 September 2014.

Friday, 20 June 2014

Next Tuesday's Match v Bicester, 24th June

We currently only have 8 people willing to play in this match. Unless I get some more volunteers we will be forced to cancel the match, with consequences for the return fixture and next year.

Match v Stowe, 19th June

The team won the match against Stowe on Thursday by 5 games to 1.

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Roll-Up Result

Division 1
PlayerScoreNew Exact
Mr Andy Wright35c19.5
Mr Alex Tyrell34c17.8After Count-Back
Mr David Westman34c12.9After Count-Back
Mr David Long33c21.5
Mr Douglas Keen31c21.2
Mr Colin Baker31c21.2
Mr Geoff Mills30c16.2
Mr Gerry Collier28c20.2
Mr Patrick Marcks22c19.3

Division 2
PlayerScoreNew Exact
Mr Graham Rutson33c24.1
Mr Barry Lund31c25.7After Count-Back
Mr Leon Goudal31c24.0After Count-Back
Mr Patrick Hiles31c28.0After Count-Back
Mr William Ford30c22.2
Mr David Butler29c28.0
Mr Derek Tidy28c28.0
Mr Derrick King27c28.0
Mr Ron Deacon27c25.3
Mr Roger Hinton26c23.2
Mr Bob Harvey24c28.0
M John Courtney24c28.0
Mr Mike Dawson23c21.9
Mr Philip Virgo23c28.0
Mr Richard Harris23c27.4

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Seniors Section Championships

The sign up sheet I put on the board was incorrect. I have been informed it is traditional on the Tuesday to play in handicap order with the lowest out first. On Thursday the order of play will be highest gross scores first.

All those who have already signed up have been transferred to the new sheet.

I apologise for any inconvenience.


Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Summer Stableford Round 3 Result

Here is a little musical clue to today's winners....

Division 1
PlayerScoreNew Exact
Mr Cliff Smith37c19.8
Mr Geoff Mills35c16.1After Count-Back
Mr Mike Steward35c15.7After Count-Back
Mr Colin Baker34c21.1
Mr Alex Tyrell31c17.7
Mr Andy Wright30c19.5
Mr Anthony Carter30c17.2
Mr Ron Feasey29c18.5
Mr Patrick Marcks28c19.2
Mr Roger Laban28c19.9
Mr Micheal Smith28c14.8
Mr John Alexander27c13.0
Mr Douglas Keen25c21.1
Mr Richard Gent25c17.8
Mr James Barnatt23c15.0

Division 2
PlayerScoreNew Exact
Mr Patrick Smith40c23.5
Mr David Long37c21.4
Mr Frank Hay33c24.3
David Butler32c28.0
Mr Brian Rollerson29c23.6
Mr Bob Harvey28c28.0
Mr Jim Ives26c27.5
Mr Barry Lund25c25.6
Mr Patrick Hiles24c28.0
Mr Kevin Timms24c23.1
Mr William Corcoran24c28.0
Mr Mike Dawson22c21.8
Mr John Robinson20c24.8
Mr William Ford19c22.1
Mr Glyn D Rees18c22.1

Monday, 16 June 2014

Roll-Up Result

Thursday 12th June

Stableford, Double points on par 3s & par 5s.

Apologies for the delay in posting this result... Leaves on the track at Chipping Ongar!

Div 1
Gerry Collier59 pts
Mike Smith54 pts
Doug Keen53 pts

Div 2
Graham Rutson66 pts
Barry Holmes55 pts
Richard Woodward50 pts

Friday, 13 June 2014

June 'BOTM' Already In The Bag?

Rumours are circulating that, following Thursday's Roll-Up, the June 'Bandit Of The Month' (and indeed Bandit Of The Year) award may be a walk-over.

We are still awaiting the official result from the Competition Secretary, but I suspect at least one individual may need to double check his handicap before Tuesday's competition.

Watch this space!

PS. Just so you know... See where it says NO COMMENTS just under here, well if you click that you can actually post comments.

But please note, if they are 'Anonymous' grizzling and criticisms, or just plain rude and/or offensive, then they may not get published.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Reg Mills Memorial Trophy Result

OK people... the votes have been counted and verified... and the winner of the 2014 Reg Mills Memorial Trophy is................ your Vice-Captain...  Cliff Smith... with a reasonably commendable 39 pts!

It was a very close run competition and we had to call on our titled friend.... Count Back, to separate our eventual trophy winner from the top Div 2 player, Kevin Timms, who scored an equally commendable 39 pts.

Division 1
PlayerScoreNew Exact
Mr Cliff Smith39c20.1
Mr Malcolm Saunders36c17.3
Mr Roger Laban36c19.8
Mr James Barnatt35c14.9
Mr Micheal Smith35c14.7
Mr Alex Tyrell35c17.6
Mr Colin Baker34c21.1
Mr Geoff Mills32c16.1
Mr David Westman31c12.8
Mr Eric Wearing31c18.7
Mr Peter Mahon30c15.9
Mr Rae Comley29c21.1
Mr Mike Steward28c15.7
Mr Richard Gent28c17.7
Mr Ron Feasey28c18.4
Mr Bob Kirkwood27c13.5
Mr Douglas Keen27c21.0
Mr Gerry Collier27c20.1
Mr John Alexander26c12.9
Mr John Watt25c21.2
Mr Patrick Marcks21c19.1

Division 2

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Match Result

Today Witney Lakes Seniors hosted a match against the seniors from Hadden Hill Golf Club.

Witney won 4 - 2.

Roll-Up Result

Only one division for the roll-up today...

PlayerScoreNew Exact
Mr Micheal Smith34c14.7
Mr Roger Laban33c19.8
Mr Derek Tidy32c28.0After Count-Back
Mr Leon Goudal32c23.8After Count-Back
Mr William Ford31c22.0
David Butler30c28.0
Mr Richard Woodward29c26.6
Mr Roger Hinton29c23.1
Mr Rae Comley27c21.0
Mr Douglas Keen27c20.9
Mr Graham Rutson26c28.0
Mr David Westman26c12.7
Mr John Alexander25c12.8
Mr Frank Hay25c24.2
Mr David Long22c21.7
Mr William Corcoran20c28.0
Mr Bob Harvey20c28.0
Mr Martin Buckingham20c27.9
Mr Ronald Wright19c28.0