Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Hola Golf Amigos

Firstly - A big thank you to Barry for running the competitions and keeping everyone on the straight and narrow over the past 3 weeks. I might just take a holiday again soon!!

Secondly - Thursday's end of the month prize day event will be a 4 ball, pairs, better ball competition with a 2 tee start, DEFINITELY played off FULL HANDICAP. Playing pairs will be drawn at random from a group of eight as people roll up. There will be prizes for the best 3 pairs. Concurrent with this competition there is one U-Boat game to be played. I anticipate this teeing off at 08.24 subject to confirmation with the players.

Thirdly - By the end of next month we shall have played our first two inter-club matches (successfully I hope). Over the next couple of weeks I shall be asking members about the extent of their involvement in these social competitions. During the course of the season (19 matches) I hope to involve as many different people as possible and have teams organised well in advance of match days. I would really appreciate your help here.

Lastly - I have received the first entries for our Seniors Charity Open. This is published on the Golf Empire web site and I have copies of the entry / information form to distribute. Please try to be involved on Tuesday 11th. August, preferably with somebody from outside of Witney Lakes who can enjoy our course and occasion.

I look forward to seeing you on Thursday.

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