Thursday, 5 February 2015

U-Boat Round 2 Teams still to play

I have arranged a 9.00 am tee time (off 1st tee) on Tuesday 10th February for the following players.

Alan Lake & Malcolm Saunders vs Colin Baker and John Watt
(please contact each other before next week so that you are all aware of the tee time)

Roll-Up Tuesday 10th February

As for the majority of Seniors we are playing a 4's, 5's and 3's Team Game for the roll-up. This is a variation on the normal game such that all 3 team members score on the par 4s, 2 score on the par 5s and 1 scores on the par 3s. As usual it is a Stableford format with full handicap allowance.

Brian will be collecting monthly subs from all those that evaded capture last week!

Please don't roll up before 7.45am, since I will have not opened up the Sports Bar.

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