Thursday 19 February 2015

Results from the roll-up individual Stableford played today (19th Feb)

The weather forecast today must have put off half the group, and as a consequence only 23 seniors turned up to play, of which only 12 fiinshed the 18 holes. For this reason we can only award three prizes for those that finished.

1st Brian Rollerson 39 points [CB]
2nd Richard Woodward 39 points
3rd Alex Tyrell 33 points[CB]

Dave Westman 33 points
Derek Tidy 32 points [CB]
Geoff Mills 32 points
Mike Dawson 30 points [CB]
Barry Lund 30 points
Roy Williams 29 points
Mike Smith 28 points [CB]
Alan Jones 28 points
Bob Harvey 25 points

Congratulations to Bob Harvey who won the nearest-the-pin on hole 6 with a HOLE-IN-ONE.

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