Result of today's Texas Scramble:
1st. - Mike Dawson, Alan Lake and John Watt - 61.3
2nd. - Dave Butler, Richard Gent and Alex Tyrell - 63.3 (CB)
At today's PRIZEGIVING, Octobers winners were announced as well as those trophy winners from earlier in the year who would not be at the Presentation Evening on Friday.
John Alexander won the October Medal:
John also won 'The Masters'. Congratulations to John but I didn't think you would want to see his picture twice!
Frank Hay won the Eric Clack Trophy:
John Watt won the Wilf Shirley Trophy:
Terry Edmunds won the Section Championship:
Congratulations to all of the above winners.
Any information regarding the source of the premature leak of the competition secretary's decision will be gratefully received. Once again the Bandit of the Month has escaped the camera and this with 'free' food on offer. Nevertheless, as always, the bandit, in this case Mike Dawson, will be apprehended in the near future.