Thursday 15 October 2015

Thursday 15th. October 2015

Result of today's BLUE Individual Stableford:

1st. -     Barry Lund - 55pts. (CB)
2nd. -    Dinger Long - 55pts.
3rd. -    Glyn Rees - 52 pts. (CB)
4th. -    Mike Dawson - 52 pts. (CB)
5th. -    Roy Williams - 52 pts.
6th. -    Doug Keen - 51 pts. (CB)
7th. -    Dave Butler - 51 pts. (CB)
8th. -    Geoff Mills - 51 pts.
9th. -    Alan Lake 49 pts. (CB)
10th. -  John Robinson - 49 pts. (CB)

Putting competition winner: Alex Tyrell - 7 shots

If you haven't already done so please collect your prizes next Tuesday.

The putting competition raised £34 for Air Ambulance. Thanks to Terry Edmunds for setting this up and to everyone who took part.

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