Tuesday 6 October 2015

Results from the October Medal played today (6th October).

Division 1
FIRST: John Alexander 68
SECOND: Andy Wright 71 CB

Division 2
FIRST: Frank Hay 70
SECOND: Gerry Collier 76

Division 3
FIRST: John Robinson 74
SECOND: Bob Harvey 75

Congratulations to John Alexander the winner of the October Medal.

Well done to all you chaps that finished despite the soggy conditions.

NOTICE: If your name is on the Masters sheet on the noticeboard, and you intend
to play in the competition, then please indicate your intention on the sheet. If you cannot play
then please cross your name through. I will remove this sheet after the game on Thursday 8th Oct.

On Thursday 8th October we have a roll up individual Stableford off the yellow tees. If you are 70 years
or over you might like your scorecard entered into the Ewart Chitty Trophy. Please write your
age on the card if you are eligible for the Trophy.

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