Thursday 11 February 2016

Results from the Individual Stableford Charity game played today ...

Firstly, thank you all for taking part in the event. Twenty-five golfers turned out, so we must have raised in excess of £20 with fines and the sale of badges. When the charity game is run again in a few months time more hazards will be included and the unit price of a fine may rise to 20p. Enough of my chattering and on with the results ...

Division 1.
FIRST: Dave Williams (20)
SECOND: James Barnatt (17)

Division 2.
FIRST: Doug Keen (19)
SECOND: Colin Baker (18)CB

Division 3.
FIRST: Derek Tidy (19)
SECOND: John Robinson (16)CB

In this game countback (CB) was still on the back, but limited to 8 holes.
There was one spoilt paper in Division 2, with the culprit not scoring on the designated holes!

Pray for good weather so that we can play the medal and winter Stableford next week.

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