Monday 1 February 2016

The week ahead ...

Rabbits, rabbits, rabbits ... start of a new month, and Brian would welcome collecting your monthly game subscriptions this week ... please.

This week we have two roll-ups.

Tuesday 2nd is a 3s,4s and 5s Stableford TEAM game. Cards will be drawn from 7.50 onwards rather than you choosing your own teams.

Thursday 4th is a Teasing Stableford Red/Yellow/White INDIVIDUAL game.

Please remember to sign-up for the Monthly Medal, Winter Stableford 5, Eric Clack Memorial Trophy and 4BBB when you next visit the Sports Bar.

Remember I have postponed the second round of the U-Boat until the 16th Feb. If you cannot play on that day then please try to complete your game before the semi-final on the 22nd March.

Weather this week looks promising. Promising what, we shall see. Enjoy your golf!!!!!

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