Thursday 4 February 2016

Results from the Teesing Stableford played today ...

Division 1.
FIRST: Alan Lake (35)
SECOND: Geoff Mills (34)

Division 2.
FIRST: Gerry Collier (34)
SECOND: Frank Hay (33)

Division 3.
FIRST: John Robinson (33) CB
SECOND: Kevin Sheehan (33) CB

Stop Press - Mike Steward and Bob Harvey beat Barry Lund and Barry Holmes 6 and 4 in the second round of the U-Boat. Mike and Bob go through to the semi-final on the 22nd March. If you have been drawn in round 2, and cannot play on the 16th February, then please see you have played your match before the date set for the semi final. Thank you.

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