Sunday 14 August 2016

The week ahead ...


The Witney Lakes Resort want to hold a corporate golf day, with a shotgun start, on Thursday 1st September, starting in the morning. They asked if our normal golf could be moved to the afternoon. Well as many seniors enjoy an afternoon snooze, I thought it better to move our regular spot to FRIDAY 2nd September. This will be a Teesing Stableford Team game with our normal course access from 8:00 - 10:00.

A note for your diary - Seniors' Golf has moved from Thursday 1st September to Friday 2nd September - normal times.


Tuesday 16th August - Roll-Up - Yellow Peril Team Game.

Thursday 18th August

Roll-Up - Texas Scramble Team Game from 8:00 - 9:30, also ...
Home Match against Shrivenhan GC - coffee/tea/biscuits from 9:30 - first tee 10:30. The team is shown on this website and in the Sports Bar.

John Alexander has kindly volunteered to run the roll-up on Thursday.


Remember for next week the away match against Stowe is on a MONDAY - first tee time 9:00. The team is shown on the website and in the Sports Bar - Kevin is in charge of this one.

I have just heard that the after-match meal requires jacket and tie.

Happy Golfing!

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