Thursday 15 September 2016

Results from the games being played today ...

At home only 12 golfers rolled-up to play the team game Eliminator - must be the heat keeping you away. 

First: Barry Lund, Pat Hiles and Roy Williams 93
Second: Dave Butler, Martin Buckingham and Alan Jones 92

Third: Mike Smith, Alex Tyrell and Geoff Mills 90
Fourth: Doug Keen, Gerry Collier and Cliff Surman 84

Many thanks to Dave Butler for organising the roll-up and delivering the cards to me.

Away at West Berkshire GC Team Witney did battle. Good company, good food, great course ... and you can guess the rest - our hosts beat us 5 games to 1.

If all goes to plan with my move to Devon, the West Berks match will probably be the last match I have lead for Team Witney. My sincere thanks go out to all the Witney Seniors who have supported both home and away matches this season. I know I have nagged many of you to take part but without your cooperation there would be no matches with other golf clubs. Thank You.

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