Friday 2 September 2016

Results from the roll up played today and the week ahead ...

Eighteen golfers rolled up to play a Teesing Stableford team game.

First: Cliff Smith, Dave Butler and Barry Holmes 118
Second: Derek Tidy, John Robinson and Joan Watt 113

Tuesday 6th September
Twenty-seven golfers have signed up for an Away Day at North Oxford GC. Coffee and bacon rolls are served from 10:15, with the first tee off at 11:00. Tee times are shown on this website.

For those not involved in the Away Day there are tee times reserved for seniors from 8:00 to 8:56 at Witney Lakes. There is no organised golf - just turn up and play your own game.

Thursday 8th September
This is a roll-up Individual Stableford game off the yellow tees.

When you are back in the Sports Bar you might like to sign-up for the games in September - don't forget to sign up for the away match at West Berkshire GC.

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