Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Good Afternoon all,

Stableford 19th September

I think the 26 golfers how played today will have enjoyed the weather and the condition of the course

The HowDidIDo update issued this afternoon, showed some inaccuracies.

In Division 1 the results are as follows

1st C. Hatherly 37 points
2nd Rod Rapley 36 points
3rd Andy Wright 35 pints.

If C. Hatherly (sorry I don't know your first name) can contact me at rod.rapley@jtiuk.com to advise if you would like your winnings to spend in Marks & Spencer or Yes Please Golf vouchers, we will arrange that for you. Also can you advise if you have provided your CDH number to Kevin Timms and Terry Edmunds to enable your scores to be entered onto the system, if not please let me know it what it is.

In Division 2 the results were

1st Alan Lake 33 points
2nd Bill Ford 31 points
3rd Ron Deacon 30 points

So although HowDidIDo, showed Roy Williams  winning with 35 points, this was incorrect as the points scored were added to the system not the gross score. Slapped wrist for whoever did that, Roy?

Can I ask everyone after they have entered their score onto the system to check it is correct with the card to avoid these types or errors

Stableford 14th September 

A belated note of the winners from last Thursday when only 15 played, so there will only be one division for winnings

1st Paddy Marcks 38 points
2nd Stuart Green 35 points
3rd Doug Keen 34 points

These scores are not yet on HowDidIDo, although I did load them this afternoon, so hopefully they will be there soon

Thursday's Roll Up Stableford, Doug Keen has kindly agreed to run for us

12 of us will be playing a match against Shrivenham of Thursday

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