Thursday 21 September 2017

Some advance warnings of forthcoming activities

At 7.00 pm On Wednesday 25th October the AGM of the Seniors Section of Witney Lakes will be held in one of the meeting rooms at Witney Lakes.
I am delighted to announce that Tracy Longden, the new General Manager of Witney Lakes will be in attendance, to update us on the Club Company and to also take questions from the floor.
At the AGM there will be the opportunity to choose the members of the committee. There will be a list of the roles of the committee posted on the Seniors notice board, giving you the opportunity to become a member of the committee.

Presentation Evening
The presentation evening will be on Friday 27th October, when all of the winners of the various shields and cups will be honoured. Seniors and their wives, partners are all invited to attend
Further details will be posted on the Seniors notice board in the near future

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