Thursday, 28 September 2017

Good Evening Golfers.

A lovely autumn day on the course today, 24 played but we didn't hold the planned prize giving as the two tee start had been stopped due to a problem with the club booking system, so a big(ger) day at the end of October to finish everything off.
As you will have seen Rod is starting to organise the hand over dinner at the end of October and I know most of you will already have the AGM date in your diary.

So winners today
First with 42 points Malcolm Saunders and Graham Simpson won on count back from Ron Deacon and Roget Laban.

The Yellow Submarine collecting tin was used for the last time today and thank you for all your support over the year I'll get the money to Brian ASAP so we can find out how much we raised.

The Team for next Tuesday will be on the blog in the next 5 minutes and thanks to Paddy Marcks who will run the roll up

I have made the draw for the October Medal and that also will be on the blog very shortly

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