Friday 1 December 2017

Tuesday 5th December 2017 - Yellow Ball Game

Tuesday Game will be a Yellow Ball Game
First Tee 8.30
3 Player Teams
Stableford Format Full Handicap
The player with the yellow ball scores double points

It will be a card draw start and the cards will start to be drawn at 8.10 or as soon as there are 12 players. 

Before starting at the first time the teams of 3 to decide the order of play, which must be repeated in order 6 times
e.g. Player A tees of on hole 1,4,7,10,13,16
Player B on holes 2,5,8,11,14,17
Player C on holes 3,6,9,12,15,18

A Yellow Ball will be given to you to start with, do not start without this ball. If this ball is returned at the end of the round, the team will get an extra 10 points, if the team loses the yellow ball it loses10 points and the team contributes £3 to the Captains Charity

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