Thursday 15 November 2018

 A beeyutiful day today we surely will have to pay the price at sometime this winter.
Although the entry screen was working eventually I know a number of you were already on the course and so didn't enter your scores so results from the cards as follows
15 Nov
Div 1 1st Mike Twyman 39 points 2nd John Alexander 37 points (on countback)
Div 2 1st Jim Whalley 42 points 2nd Peter Cartwright 38 points

Today there were 16 div1 and 13 div2 playing so no change to the boundaries yet but we will keep it under review.

6 played in the 9 hole roll up and Ron Deacon was the winner.

We drew the first round matches for the UBoat today and I'll post that later today.

Next week we will have a roll up team game on Tuesday and I am currently waiting for confirmation that we will switch to an  8:30 First Tee time for the winter months. Information to come as soon as I have it.

Dont forget to sign up for the Winter Stableford Round 2, on the notice board in the Sports Bar, the entry list looks a bit thin at the moment


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