Tuesday 6 November 2018

So I'm still in catch up mode, not helped by the fact that the game entered on Intelligent Golf didn't work today I'm not sure why I couldn't see anything wrong

As a result I dont have todays result yet unless I get it before Thursday I'll sort it out then.

However I did get the cards for last Thursday. There was some discrepancy over which order the Tees were played last Thursday (there always is) I have suggested that in future we let people play them in any order they like as long as they play 6 of each colour. Some think that will be too complex for our simple brains and all the evidence I have to date confirms that to be true. We Shall See.

Anyway all the people with the best scores also managed to play the tees in the correct order so that was lucky

Winner Div 1 John Alexander 66 second Dave Williams 68 (on countback).

Winner Div 2 Richard Gent 72 second Brian Floyd 76

Thursday is a Texas Scramble Roll Up and the start sheet will be in the changing rooms sometime tomorrow


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